- "Can't find dtd": Why?
- "changed" attribute and/or Inner classes constructors created with "owner" parameter
- "ClassTypeImpl cannot be cast to com.sun.mirror.type.AnnotationType" on schemagen
- "core" namespace issue
- "Default Values" plugin
- "Easy" unmarshalling an JAXB1
- "impossible" exception thrown from RI
- "JAXB creates uncompilable ObjectFactory.java" OR "handling huge XML schema"
- "unexpected character literal " Validation Exception
- '$' in class name bug
- (feature request/bug) -- ValidatorImpl constructor doesn't initialize DatatypeConverter
- (Issue 29) how to ignore an error during partial unmarshalling
- (JAXB Plugin) Customize the body of a setter method to fire bound properties
- (no subject)
- ***SPAM*** Can't create JIRA-Issue
- -episode and -extension
- -use-runtime
- 1.0-beta: getContent() usage??
- 1.0.1 generated code does not compile (extends generated.Foo)
- 2 schema
- 2.1.10 in maven
- 2.1.8 issue
- 2.2.11. bug fix details
- 2nd try: Avoid both JAXB2 binding as well DOM creation for a document fragment?
- 2nd try: generating and compiling jaxb 1.0 source with jaxb 2.0 binaries
- <jaxb:superClass> implementation!!
- <PING> Specified globalBinding customization not used error when compiling XJC
- <xjc:simple> and plurals
- <xs:include|import> problems again!
- <xsd:extension> causes validation error
- <xsd:extension> subclass elements do not get serialized on marshal
- ??? ??? ???? ?????.
- [1.0.1] deprecated compiler warnings on com.sun.xml.bind.*
- [1.0.1] NPE in BGMBuilder
- [1.0.1] The local variable attIdx is never read
- [2] ClassCastException on jaxbcontext.newInstance()
- [2] JAXB, Introspector, BeanInfo and method sigantures
- [ANN] builds available nightly now
- [ANN] JAXB 1.0.2 now available in JWSDP 1.3
- [ANN] JAXB 1.0.3 now available in JWSDP 1.4
- [ANN] JAXB 1.0.4 now available in JWSDP 1.5
- [ANN] JAXB 1.0.5 jars on the java.net maven repository
- [ANN] JAXB 2.0 is final
- [ANN] JAXB 2.0 jars on the java.net maven repository
- [ANN] JAXB 2.0 RI Early Access 2 Released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.0 RI Early Access 3 Released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.0.1 is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.0.2 is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.0.3 is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.0.4 is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.0.5 is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.1 EA1 is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.1 EA2 is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.1 is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.1.1 is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.1.10 is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.1.12 is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.1.13 is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.1.2 is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.1.3 is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.1.4 is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.1.5 is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.1.6 is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.1.7 is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.1.8 is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.1.9 is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.2 Early Access is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.2 is released
- [ANN] JAXB 2.2 is released - Seriously?
- [ANN] JAXB 2.2.1 is released
- [ANN] JAXB architecture document
- [ANN] JAXB is released
- [ANN] JAXB on the web
- [ANN] JAXB RI 1.0.6 Released
- [ANN] JAXB RI 2.0 development now in java.net
- [ANN] JAXB RI 2.0 EA now available
- [ANN] JAXB RI 2.0 Release Candidate posted
- [ANN] JAXB RI builds are now available
- [ANN] JAXB source code drops available
- [ANN] jaxb-verification - object-level validation package for JAXB
- [ANN] JAXB2 reflection library
- [ANN] Migration to java.net - Phase 1
- [ANN] Namespace prefix remapper
- [ANN] Namespace prefix remapper rev.2
- [ANN] Restlet 1.1 released with JAXB extension
- [ANN] Searching the mailing list archives
- [ANN] Singularity System 2003.09.05-alpha Released
- [ANN] source code for JAXB RI 2.0 EA
- [ANN] Thought River Commons first public release
- [ANN] VTD-XML extended edition released
- [ANN] VTD-XML Version 1.5 Released
- [ANN]VTD-XML 2.10
- [ANN]VTD-XML 2.2
- [ANN]VTD-XML 2.7
- [ANN]VTD-XML 2.8
- [ANN]VTD-XML 2.9
- [ANN]VTD-XMlL 2.5
- [Announcement] Online chat, Jan. 25 ( 9 AM PST ) , on Java WSDP 1.5
- [BULK] xsd:any unmarshalled to DOM
- [Dealing with id/idref and circularity]
- [ERROR] *blank* is already defined - xjc parse error
- [ERROR] A property with the same name "Value" is generated from more than one schema component.
- [ERROR] Property "Alt" is already defined. Use <jaxb:property> to resolve this conflict.
- [ERROR] Two declarations cause a collision in the ObjectFactory class, unsolved by bindings
- [feature request] Using defaults from code in a XSD default.
- [feature suggestion] Self-tracking of modified state by JAXB binding objects
- [Follow-up] javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element
- [from KOREA] about page link error..
- [Fwd: Is it a bug in JAXB RI ?]
- [Fwd: minOccurs="0" problem]
- [Fwd: Minutes from April 3rd StaX discussion.]
- [Fwd: Your Report: xsd using substitution groups causes marsh aller to hang]
- [Fwd: Your Report: xsd using substitution groups causes marshaller to hang]
- [gf-users] jaxb-osgi.jar has bad Manifest
- [hj2 & Jaxbcommons] New maven versions available in m2-repo_at_java.net
- [HJ3] Cannot attach annotations to 'ref' elements
- [HJ3] How can i transfer the extendedCloneable plugin from HJ2 to HJ3?
- [Indigo] Serialization vs. Encoding
- [INFO] Digest subscription instructions
- [Issue 115] Supports Method Chaining/ FluentAPI
- [Issue 138] Support vendor extension that lets user specify the wildcard content
- [Issue 33] Unable to xjc XMLSchema.xsd
- [Issue 3] New - Support the value-based equality/hashCode
- [java.lang.InstantiationException] at unmarshal step
- [JAXB 2.0] Failed to initialize JAXP 1.3 DatatypeFactory class
- [JAXB 2.0] Grammar objects
- [JAXB 2.0] Making the QNames available in the ObjectFactory
- [jaxb-1.x & maven-2] Can i upload jaxb jars into maven2-repository.dev.java.net ?
- [jaxb-1.x] Dependency dom4j of jaxb-xjc is missing (required for DTDs)
- [JAXB-1.x] Error while setting <jaxb:javaType> to 'java.lang.Long' for element of type='xsd:ID'
- [jaxb-1.x] Marshalling just a type without nested elements produces empty string
- [JAXB-1.x] NPE while unmarshalling empty long element
- [jaxb-1.x] Uploaded jaxb-1.x libs and maven plugin into m2 java.net's repository
- [jaxb-2.x] Cannot attach jaxb annotations to 'ref' elements
- [jaxb-20-comments] cannot adapt an XmlRootElement ?
- [jaxb2] Namespace and other questions
- [jaxb]can not generate right jaxb object
- [Jersey] Question on Jersey with JAXB and digital signatures.
- [jira] Commented: (MAVENUPLOAD-949) Fluent API Plugin for JAXB RI 2.0.1 XJC
- [minor comment] Javadoc Title.
- [newbie] XJCTask
- [offtopic] JSR 31: XML Data Binding Specification
- [SensorML] GML conflicting when bind SensorML using JAXB]
- [understanding] JAXB generated sources structure
- [WARNING] warning: "blockDefault" attribute of <schema> is not supported
- [xjc] [ERROR] compiler was unable to honor this property customization.
- [xjc] [ERROR] Specified conversion customization is not used.
- [xjc] [ERROR] xsd is not a part of this compilation. Is this a mistake
- _at_annotation customization
- _at_XmlAccessorType(AccessType.FIELD) type mismatch
- _at_XmlAttribute/_at_XmlValue need to reference a Java type that maps to text
- _at_XmlElement and qualification
- _at_XmlElementWrapper - NPE Problems When Unmarshalling
- _at_XmlElementWrapper - question regarding naming the child elements
- _at_XmlElementWrapper and empty collections
- _at_XmlElementWrapper schema-to-java equivalent
- _at_XmlJavaTypeAdapter ignored on method level, class level and package level
- _at_XmlJavaTypeAdapter ignored on method level, class leven and package level
- _at_XmlJavaTypeAdapter in class interface. Is it possible?
- _at_XmlJavaTypeAdapter not called
- _at_XmlJavaTypeAdapter questions
- _at_XmlRootElement disappearing
- _at_XmlRootElement repeats elements in Schema
- _at_XmlSchema on a class - why not?
- _at_XmlSchema, package-info and weird classloaders
- _at_XmlTransient ignored
- A couple of JAXB questions
- A cycle in object graph detected in JPA.
- A few little things
- A JAXB Tutorial
- A likely bug - missing object error is not reported correctly
- A Little Fuzzy about JAXB and NameSpaces
- A question on XjcListener and JAXB 2.0 file generator
- A type to represent a collection of XML elements - how to ?
- AbortSerializationException: a required object is missing
- About releasing resources using Jaxb
- Absence of XmlAccessorType from 2.1 to 2.2 not working
- Absolute XPath in a variable containing a set of nodes obtained with document() function
- Absolute XPath in a variable containing a set of nodes obtained with document() function (SOLVED)
- Abstract
- Abstract classes with JAXB 2.0
- Abstract ComplexType working or not in FCS?
- Abstract Types and Separate Compilation Times
- accessing _has elements
- Accessing enumerations
- Accessing JAXB mappings
- Accessing mixed mode text
- accessing schema info at runtime
- Accessing schema's default values at code generation time
- Accessor for _at_XMLList-annotated properties??
- Adapter get's ignored on a mac OS X
- Adapter get's ignored on a mac OS X (Solved)
- Add Javadoc to generated XML schema?
- adding a standard header to generated JAXB files
- Adding Behaviours with JAXB
- adding binding declarations from seperate file
- Adding default namespace during unmarshal
- adding DTD declaration to an xml file
- Adding extra annotations into xjc generated code
- Adding field without marshalled???
- Adding functionality to JAXB-generated classes
- Adding JavaDoc comments to setters
- Adding javadoc to methods
- Adding JAXB Jar files to a public CVS server
- Adding marker to jaxb generated class
- Adding methods to generated classes
- Addition Behaviour - How portable is it?
- additional "locator support" sample for JAXB RI 1.0.1
- Additional attr/element after xjc generation
- address in WSDL
- Advice for serializing classes I cannot annotate ?
- Again: Problem with namespaces in jaxb generated files
- AIOOB Exception during marshal after months of running
- Allister Bertram/ON/CheckFree is out of the office.
- Allowing declare redundant namespace URIs.
- Analogue of _at_XmlElements for infinite number of subclasses.
- ANN: additional "locator support" sample for JAXB RI 1.0.1
- ANN: additional "synchronized method" sample for JAXB RI 1.0.1
- ANN: Guidelines for posting bugs/issues to jaxb-interest
- ANN: JAXB 1.0.1 complex types, sub-typing and Element substituion
- ANN: JAXB 1.0.1 now available in JWSDP 1.2
- ANN: JAXB related events at JavaOne 2004
- ANN: JAXB related events in JavaOne
- ANN: JAXB RI v1.0.1 changelog
- ANN: JAXB to be placed on java.net
- ANN: jaxb-interest list monitoring
- ANN: listserv maintenance
- annotated (javadoc=>complexType/annotation/documentation)
- Annotating a class with a sequence inside a choice
- Annotation issue?
- Annotation Restrictions - Spec vs. XJC
- Annotations Issue When Deploying JAXB2 to WebSphere 6.1
- Announce: Incubated-JaxMe 0.2
- Announce: JaxMe 2 0.10-alpha
- Announce: JaxMe2 Alpha
- Announcement: JAXB 2.0 Early Draft 2 Released
- Announcement: JAXP 1.3 RI is public on java.net
- Announcing JAXB 1.0!
- Announcing the release of Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.6
- Annox 0.4.2 released
- Annox plugin.
- anonymous complex type
- Anonymous simple types as enums?
- Another bug on JAXB
- Another customization question
- another JAXB can't handle interfaces question...
- Anouncing JAXB2 Basics
- Ant Task and Vendor Extensions
- ANT XJCTask and use of custom Plugin, causes ClassCastException
- ant XJCTask: How to set the working directory (basedir)?
- Antwort: Need example (pom.xml) of how to use JAXB with maven plugins (nothing works as documented)
- any
- any estimate on when jaxb2 will be under the bcla?
- Any Googlers here?
- Any path to proposing specific plugins to go into "common" set?
- Any plans to implement Issue #276?
- Any possibility of Unmarshaller.unmarshal() returning null?
- Any to Anies
- Any XML in an element?
- anyAttribute
- Anyone using JAXB2 Basics inheritance?
- anyURI and java.net.URL
- anyURI to java.net.URI
- Appending processing instructions
- Appinfo annotations
- Applicability of JAXB
- Application Development and Issues
- Arbitrary name-value pairs
- ArrayField and ConstField not public classes
- ArrayOfFoo
- Associating JAXB unmarshalled object to the corresponding xml sou rce ?
- Attaching a customization to a primitively-mapped element declaration
- attribute default value
- attribute inheritance
- Attribute inheritance - bug 4800069 not fixed
- attribute order
- attribute restrictions not working
- attributeFormDefault does NOT generate in package-info.java
- attributeGroup ref and annotation
- Attributes in xml: namespace
- Attributes of base type not recognized in validation
- AUTO : Manuel Siggen est en vacances (retour 07.08.2012)
- automaticNameConflictResolution and -XautoNameResolution
- Avoid both JAXB2 binding as well DOM creation for a document fragment?
- Avoid marshalling empty elements
- avoiding anonymous complex types to generate fewer classes?
- AW: Advice for serializing classes I cannot annotate ?
- AW: AW: AW: Duplicated namespace declaration from output xml
- AW: AW: Duplicated namespace declaration from output xml
- AW: AW: Questions on typesafe enum classes
- AW: AW: Using JAXB Generated Classes as Beans
- AW: duplicate classes error?
- AW: Duplicate QName in ObjectFactory when using episode
- AW: Duplicated namespace declaration from output xml
- AW: Escaping, or removing Invalid XML Characters.
- AW: Forcing lax=true in _at_XmlAnyElement
- AW: Forcing xsi:type for non element marshalling
- AW: how to avoid duplicated (generated) classes?
- AW: Inheritance and class callback methods
- AW: Issue 6 Exception when Unmarshalling an element with int or double list as a value
- AW: jaxb binding file for + <extension base="anyType"/>
- AW: Mapping of SAX events to corresponding JAXB classes
- AW: marshalling CDATA data
- AW: Only run under debug mode ? Help!!
- AW: Problem validating a mixed content tag
- AW: Processing Large XML Files
- AW: Questions on typesafe enum classes
- AW: Schema Parser
- AW: Still no Substitution group support?
- AW: suppressing the "Generated on" comment
- AW: The com.sun.xml.bind.util.ListImpl story
- AW: The JAXB book
- AW: Using Hyperjaxb with the XJC Ant task
- AW: Using JAXB Generated Classes as Beans
- Axis2 & "doesn't contain ObjectFactory.class or jaxb.index"
- AXIS2, JAXB & Unmarshalling
- Bad enum value in the input XML does not throw exception, assigns null
- base64 encoded binary image
- Bean generation
- Behavior of marshaller when a required attribute has a null value ?
- Benchmarks
- Best practices with JAXB and XML schema
- best way to ignore DTD?
- Better xs:duration support?
- bgm.ser Classpath ?
- Bind directly to List of elements
- Bind existing class to existing schema HOWTO
- Bind jaxb ENUM class to a java ENUM class
- Binder - maintaining the association
- Binder and dom customization
- Binder and ID/IDREF's
- Binder associativeUnmarshall and hashCode implementation in the domain class
- Binder getXmlNode method return null
- BinderImpl.associativeUnmarshal ClassCastException casting to JAXBElement
- Binding an annotated class to different schemas
- Binding an Attributes JavaType via External Customization
- binding approach to traditional parsers (eg javacc)?
- Binding arbitrary Java objects
- binding complexType element defintions to Fields
- binding custom exceptions using JAXB
- Binding customization for "synchronized"
- binding docbook 5.0 to Java
- Binding file question
- Binding file with no schema location
- Binding for UBL 1.0
- Binding Language equivalent of _at_XmlElementWrapper
- Binding multiple schemas
- Binding of element type to custom class
- Binding the schema for XML Schema
- Binding the schema to XML schema (part 2)
- Binding the w3c meta-schema
- Binding to javax.xml.crypto.dsig.XMLSignature?
- binding to other classes than the generated classes
- binding xsd:sequence to java.util.Map instead of java.util.List ?
- binding.purified.rng missing
- Bindings documentation
- bindings to convert common container pattern from schema to java
- BindMark project announcement
- blockDefault ignored
- Boolean 0 or 1 true or false
- Boolean type - unmarshalling
- broken link in doc in latest weekly snapshot
- BufferedImages
- bug
- BUG in DefaultJAXBContextImpl.newInstance(java.lang.Class javaContentInterface)
- Bug in new Ant XJC task
- Bug in valdiator cycle detection?
- Bug or not: trying to use seperate schema compilation using maven-jaxb2-plugin
- Bug Report: jaxb2-reflection: ClassCastException in ModelBuilder
- Bug: Marshal output is incorrect when using derived types.
- Build my own implementations?
- Building JAXB from CVS
- Bundling JAXB
- Bundling of JAXB with JWSDP
- Can Castor do things that JAXB can't?
- Can generated classes be used to create "new" in-memory representation which are then marshalled?
- Can I apply bindings to included schemas?
- Can I bind a schema at runtime? not comand line prompt
- Can i customize that JAB will not generate a given complex type
- Can I never use JAXB, even 1.0, with Java 1.4?
- Can I run a JAXB 2.0 developed application on a J2SE 1.4.2_10 runtime ?
- Can I specify the annotation retention policy for Java annotations written for me by XJC?
- Can I unmarshal an unnamespaced message with a schema?
- can javadocs be generated for impl classes ??
- Can jaxb inject references objects?
- Can namespace be added during unmarshall
- Can not unmarshall
- Can only obtain child elements of three (3) types
- Can RI handle validation?
- can someone help me understand namespaces in the context of (un)marshalling?
- can someone show me a working xsd:any example?
- Can Validator validate against different schema than was used by xjc to derive classes?
- Can't build from source
- Can't create JIRA-Issue
- Can't Generate Java Classes
- Can't get choiceContentProperty to work with jwsdp-1.5/jaxb
- Can't get maven-jaxb2-plugin 0.6.1 to use xjc 2.0.5
- can't unmarshal a marshalled Element
- can't unmarshal wrapper element
- Can't use an element of an abstract type
- Can't use swedish characters
- can't validate or unmarshall empty (nillable) elements
- cannot adapt an XmlRootElement ?
- Cannot create ContextFactory
- cannot find symbol : variable XmlAccessType
- cannot specify xmlns on a child element with an annotation
- Canonical XML support
- Cant login to jaxb-ri cvs repo
- cant marshal hashmap
- Capturing xjc error messages
- Cast JAXB2 generated object to JAXBElement?
- Castor vs JAXB
- CAXB recommendation?
- CDATA in marshalling output?
- CDATA sections creation
- Changin the default value of an attribute when extending a complexType
- Changing access modifiers of generated classes
- Changing case of top level in xml
- Changing JAXB version
- Changing JAXB's optional + nillable code generation default behaviour
- changing package names in a Plugin
- character encoding conversion for marshall/unmarshall?
- Child->Parent Element Navigability - JAXB
- choice and union handling
- choice with included xml causes xjc error
- Choices with unbounded maxOccurs
- Circular Reference Error?
- Circular references in a wsdl?
- clarification on thread safety as stated in FAQ?
- Class creation problem using schema
- Class generation and <xsd:include>
- class java.util.ArrayList nor any of its super class is known to this context.
- Class Loader issue causing child elements to not be populated.
- Class pb (in use) using xjc
- ClassCast when defining a complex type of simpleContent with restriction on xs:string
- ClassCastException at com.sun.xml.xsom.impl.parser.state.complexType
- ClassCastException in Eclipse -> Run
- ClassCastException in StAXEventConnector.handleCharacters
- ClassCastException on jaxbcontext.newInstance()
- ClassCastException when doing a JAXBContext.newInstance(JAXBContext.java:281)
- ClassCastException when Unmarshalling
- ClassCastException: ...jaxb.impl.runtime.DefaultJAXBContextImpl
- ClassCastException: com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl in WebLogic 10
- ClassDefNotFoundError for com/sun/xml/bind/v2/runtime/JAXBContextImpl$JAXBContextBuilder with xjc in Ant
- Classes for complex types
- classloaders and jaxb.properties..
- CLASSPATH and bindings with existing classes?
- Classpath scanning for classes
- ClasspathCatalogResolver - including dependency jars
- ClassTailor and its use
- Cleaned up documents&files section
- Cleanup generated Javadoc comments do avoid warnings
- Cloneable Plugin
- cloning JAXBElements
- cloning of extended JAXB elements
- closing a tag with abbreviated form
- code generated from a list of 'token' type
- Code generation error
- Code generator using jaxb -xjc plugin
- Code injector plugin in Java 1.6.0_18
- Code Injector problems
- Code Model
- code too large error compiling generated java from xjc
- CodeModel
- CodeModel : how to generate System.err.println()
- CodeModel and nested annotations
- CodeModel Patch
- Collaborate on JAXB Commons
- Collection Accessibility
- collection-setter-injector
- Collection-setter-injector plugin
- collection-setter-injector plugin does not work [fix patch included]
- Collections: Setters Required?
- CollectionType java.util.Set
- collectionType="java.util.Vector" ???
- Collision problems
- com.sun.bind.v2 reflection example
- com.sun.istack.SAXException2: unable to marshal ....
- com.sun.msv.verifier.regexp does not exist
- com.sun.tools.xjc.api
- com.sun.tools.xjc.outline.Aspect -> com.sun.tools.xjc.model.Aspect
- com.sun.xml.bind.ContextFactory could not be instantiated exc eption
- com.sun.xml.bind.ContextFactory could not be instantiated exception
- com.sun.xml.bind.util.ListImpl
- com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.ValidatingUnmarshaller does not skip any-content
- com.sun.xml.wss.saml.assertion.saml11.jaxb20.Assertion, got exception: Type
- coming JAXB stable release?
- Comments, CDATA etc. with dom binding using a Lexical Handler
- Common Type in xs:include
- Comparing two jaxb-generated objects by value
- Comparison by value vs. validatedObjects
- Compilation failed on win xp OS ...
- compilation problem with JAXB2 generated code - import statements
- Compiler API
- compiler exception
- Compiling FPML schemas via JAXB 2.x RI XJC
- compiling jaxb 1.0 with jaxb 2.0
- Compiling JAXB Samples
- Compiling Multiple Schemas
- Compiling schemas in the runtime
- Compiling XML (SVG Fragments)
- Compiling XML (SVG Fragments) and Relax NG
- Complex binding for unbounded sequence
- Complex references
- ComplexContent Extensions
- complexType extend an external Java class
- complexType extension and all - is this legal?
- composite web service - Problems with XMLSerializable interface
- Compute xs:any and xs:attribute
- concurrent access
- ConcurrentModificationException
- conditional adapter?
- Configuration/Customization
- Confused about required format for "DatatypeFactory.newXMLGregorianCalendar(String)" with date/time with timezone
- ConnectException when invoking a web service, can access wsdl via browser!
- Content byte count & fragmented parsing
- Content model versus Element Model
- ContextFactory_1_0_1
- continuous xml streaming
- control namespace-prefix
- control the location of the runtime
- controlling inheritence/inlining classes
- Controlling the alias of the namespace...
- Conversion between JAXB binding object and SOAPElement
- Convert elements ending with Date to java.util.Date type
- Converting XJC from Maven to Gradle (using Ant task), having trouble with extensions
- Converting XML to Java Objects...possible?
- Copy construtors with JAXB
- Cost of creating Marshallers, Unmarshalers and ObjectFactory
- couple of plugins
- Crashing problems in ModelBuilder.getClassInfo
- Create 1.x classes with 2.x?
- create a new nodo
- Create plugin with ant, need sample
- Create XML Schema from XML Data
- creating a JAXBElement<String> from an xs:idref xml element
- Creating a new XML document from another XML document
- Creating a new XML document from another XML document]
- creating a xml document with namespaces on all elements
- Creating copy of JAXB Java object content tree?
- Creating custom inheritance
- Creating implicit lists
- Creating Interfaces
- Creating JAXBContext with Multiple Package References
- Creating XML files from relational data
- creating XML instance from XML schema
- Creating xs:documentation elements
- Creation of JAXBElement from Java objects
- csv xjc plugin
- Current context from class defined event callback
- Current state of implClass
- Current status of jaxb-api
- Currently generating no-namespace XML with JAXB annotations, need to move towards using namespace and schema
- custom AnnotationReader
- custom binding for single element XML
- Custom interfaces
- Custom mapping for Maps in JAXB
- Custom Marshalling
- custom ObjectFactory?
- custom parse of a child Element
- Custom serialization/deserialization
- Custom validation
- Custom XJC plugin
- custom xjc plugin fails when my tags appear at both complexType and element appinfo
- Customaziation and validation
- Customisation is not used error
- Customisation of ID/IDREF and compatibility with java 5.0
- Customization and XPath Expressions
- Customization help needed
- Customization namespaces and "vendor extensions"
- Customization Problem
- Customization question
- customize DataTypeConverter
- Customize java.lang.Object Bindings
- customize objectfactoriy names
- Customize ObjectFactory
- Customize ObjectFactory To Be Serializable
- Customize packagae name using external binding file
- customize print and parse methods
- customizing choice mapping [Virus checked]
- Customizing code generation
- Customizing generaetd classes
- customizing generated code and modifying runtime behavior
- Customizing IDREF target type?
- Customizing impl Classnames
- Customizing inline schema
- Customizing return types for xsd:complextType, is that possible?
- Customizing with binding.xjc
- cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element. Unmarshaling nested el
- cvs checkout
- CVS?
- Cycle error solution for more than one Many-to-One Relation
- Cycle Exception
- Cycle in OneToMany bidirectional mapping
- cyclic inheritance
- cyclic parsing
- Daily Builds
- Datatype conversion problem
- datatype date: export only with day, month and year
- Date
- Date subtypes
- DateTime error
- dateTime format
- dateTime problem with timezone
- Daylight Savings Time problem and JAXB: HELP!
- Dealing with "any" elements
- dealing with an element that isn't in your java objects?
- Dealing with inheritance and multiple packages
- Dealing with types only known at runtime
- Debugable source code needed for version 2.1.8 of Jaxb
- Debugging Errors
- Default attribute value for the inhereted from the restriction ty pe
- Default attribute values on derived complex type (JAXB v.1.0. 1)
- Default attribute values on derived complex type (JAXB v.1.0.1)
- Default attribute values on derived complex type (JAXB v.1.0.1))
- Default Binding
- default element value
- Default marshalling of JRE classes
- Default Namespace in JAXB
- default namespace inconsistency?
- default namespace problem
- Default value for ComplexType
- Default Value...
- default values
- default values for elements?
- Defaulting to _at_XmlAttribute instead of _at_XmlElement
- DefaultValidationEventHandler
- define all namespaces in the root tag
- Defining the XML Schema Type for XmlElementDecl
- Delegation and binding
- Deprecated classes
- derived attribute not accepted when validating
- derived attribute not accepted when validating (workaround)
- derived by restriction/extension errors, JAXB team seeks input
- derived fields
- derived schema type
- deriving from JAXB2 generated classes
- Detect errors in xml files
- determine the type of elements in a list property
- developer/contributor information for jaxb POMs
- Did jaxb-ri.jar disappear in JWSDP 1.2 ?
- did the mail list archive get wiped?
- diferentiating between non-existent element and element with null value
- Difference between calling marshaller vs. just calling "toString()" on the JAXB-generated object?
- Difference between object factory and default constructor
- Difference in generated Java with accented chars
- Differences in generated code between JAXB1 and JAXB2
- different behaviors of default val attrs depending on underlying type?
- Different behaviour of the maven-jaxb2-plugin between java 1.5 and 1.6
- Different names for xml and java?
- Different packages for jaxb elements.
- Different versions of QName class - follow up
- Digest for list users_at_jaxb.java.net
- Disable generating getter method
- Disabling normal Java class generation?
- disabling xjc warnings
- Discard some xml elements when unmarshalling
- Discovered difference between JAXB 1.0 and beta
- Discussion on XML <=> instance mechanisms
- Do I need jaxb-osgi-2.2.4.jar to run/compile JAXB?
- do not get emails.
- Do not marshal empty elements...
- do not marshall standalone="yes"
- Document oriented XML Binding framework needed
- Documentation bug concerning maven plugin
- Does jaxb 2.1 enforce xs:restriction
- Does jaxb classes serializable and cloneable
- does jaxb support
- Does JAXB support importing from a different namespace?
- Does JAXB supports dom4j DOM binding
- Does not throw an validation exception
- Does not throw an validation exception[GFI-T8432-3EB3EE6432C8 2020]
- does the RI installer invoke a jvm with "java"?
- Does turning on schema validation require packaging the xsd file?
- Does xjc support default namespace?
- Does XmlJavaTypeAdapter work on package-info.java?
- Dokument 6
- Don't understand how to map a node
- Doubles and Integers
- DST problem in datetime
- DTD generation of (#PCDATA | field)*
- DTD support and ANY
- DTD to JAXB2 compilation problem
- dublin core SimpleLiteral
- Duplicate accessors in generated code
- Duplicate classes and schema types
- duplicate classes error?
- Duplicate element on marshall: element as type
- Duplicate nested element
- Duplicate QName in ObjectFactory when using episode
- Duplicated namespace declaration from output xml
- Dynamic default values
- dynamic java classes from xmlschema using jaxb
- Dynamically injecting behavior in JAXB generated bindings?
- Easy JAXBElement ? from a complete Neophite (aka Newbie)
- Eclipse PDE/RCP - unable to locate jaxb.properties
- eclipse plug can be found at http://rocksolutions.wordpress.com/2010/08/04/sample-on-jaxb-using-eclipse/
- Eclipse XJC plug in - binding files support?
- Eclipse XJC Plugin
- Edit Schema type on input parameter
- Edit the generated Code
- element and type interchangeability
- Element children of same type but different names
- Element reference and element type maping problem
- element substitution
- Element substitution not working properly during unmarshal
- element substitution question
- Elements following unexpected elements are ignored
- Elements of anonymous complexType
- empty element
- Empty model groups - how to customize?
- Empty response when method returns sequence
- Empty tag for null value
- Enable Bugzilla public comments and cc
- enable logging using log4j
- enableJavaNamingConventions works?
- Encoding
- Encoding Problem With Marshaller?
- endorsed jars
- Enhanced Property Listener Injection - at version 0.2
- enhancing object model?
- Entity (JPA)/OO focused JAXB?
- Entity Resolver
- ENTITY resolving and (separate) problems with Xerces?
- Enum Plugin ?
- enum problem in JAXB2 upgrade
- enum types and generated constants?
- Enum using "CodeModel"
- enumeration with empty string as value
- Enumeration with int values from schema
- Enumerations (Restictions)
- Envelope has xmlns attributes for EVERY schema defined in WSDL, even if not referenced
- enveloping an XML node inside another XML node
- episode issue
- Episodic compilation against jar file
- Equals plugin
- equals() and hashCode()
- EqualsPlugin Questions
- equivalent of XMLBeans XMLObject interface
- Erroneous unmarshalling of complex types within complex content derived by restriction
- Error
- error "Type mismatch: cannot convert from XmlAccessType to AccessType"
- Error Conversion customization is not used
- Error creating unmarhsaller
- Error Creating unmarshaller
- error handling using jaxb
- Error in Binding Schema for JAXB, V1.0
- Error in Mapping xs:any to DOM(using xjc:dom)?
- Error marshalling JAXB object
- Error marshalling nillable elements
- Error Message during Validation
- Error occurs during binding under new release of JAXB 2.1.3
- Error occurs when converting XML schema to Java objects
- Error on custom binding
- Error parsing xhtml1-strict.xsd ""Lang" is already defined."
- Error replacing _at__at_JAXB_VERSION_at__at_ with certain system locales
- Error Unmarshalling Extended Complex Type
- Error Upgrading to JAXB 1.0.1
- Error using custom (external) bindings with WSDL
- Error using sample program
- Error using StAX API with JAXB 2.0
- Error while trying to parse a xml schema : InvalidRegex
- Error while trying to run xjc on a 3rd party schema
- Error while unmarshalling
- error with jaxb maven2 plugin and DTD
- Error with XML unmarshalling
- Error working with sampleApp1
- Error: attribute hat bad value: get the valid enumeration???
- Errors during XJC task
- Errors getting in binding the schema
- Errors running xjc
- escape character and rename namespace
- Escape special chars in marshaling.
- Escaped lab experiment
- Escaping illegal characters during marshalling
- Escaping, or removing Invalid XML Characters.
- Evolution and Maintenance
- Exactly what validation does the unmarshaller ignore when use setValidating(false)
- examples fail to parse po.xsd on linux
- Exception compiling schema with empty element
- Exception in creating XML file
- Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError : co m/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/serialize/OutputFormat
- Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: co m/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/serialize/OutputFormat
- Exception to Soap faults
- Exception using ant 1.5.1 to build SampleApp1
- Exception using JAXB with Struts
- Exception using SaxParser
- Exception when Unmarshalling an element with int list as valu e.
- Exception when Unmarshalling an element with int list as value.
- ExceptionInInitializerError
- Exclude schemas configuration strangeness
- Excluding <?xml... line from marshalled element
- executing a xjc directly
- Existing classes
- Existing classes > XML
- Export Control Data for your product
- exposing the namespace --> package name mapper
- Extending Classes And No Separation Of Xml Source
- Extending enums
- Extending JAXB
- Extending JAXB classes using implClass customization - IncompatibleClassChangeError
- Extends/implements
- Extensible soutions using JAXB?
- Extent the root tag with xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ???
- External binding file
- External bindings for schema that import another schema
- External customization and duplicate classes with different name
- External customize
- Externalizable Plugin
- factory.createType() throws JAXBException
- Failed to parse a schema
- Failed to parse Schema
- Failing with 'no-arg default constructor' on _at_XmlTransient
- Feasibility Question: XJC plugin to create AS3 code
- feature request for xjc -- full pathnames in error message
- feature requests for future versions/revisions
- Feedback on <xjc:simple> customisation
- Field name requirements - issue with single letter camel case.
- field order in implementation classes
- FieldUse and FieldItem
- final variables
- Find out Object's real Class?
- Find out what object is missing
- Finding implementation class from FieldOutline?
- Finding JAXB Annotated classes in JAXBContext
- First JAXB Program - ObjectFactory question
- fix for possible bug in reflection library
- fixed attribute values are lost
- Fixed Value in a schema
- fixing bug #181085
- Flattened Binding / Unmarshalling
- Flattenning complex XSD structure during Java classes generation
- flexible unmarshalling mode
- fluent-api plugin - generic return types
- follow-up GML conflicting when binding SensorML schema
- Followup: Location of validation Errors
- Force closing tag
- force to use primitive types
- Forcing JAXB to only output required namespaces
- Forcing lax=true in _at_XmlAnyElement
- Forcing xsi:type for non element marshalling
- format of decimal
- format of marshalled xml files
- Formatted XML Content
- Formatting of XML marshalled from content
- Found problem in <xjc:treatRestrictionLikeNewType />
- FREE Online Test at www.yfrindia.com
- Fwd: [jira] Commented: (MAVENUPLOAD-949) Fluent API Plugin for JAXB RI 2.0.1 XJC
- Fwd: Annox plugin.
- Fwd: com.sun.tools.xjc.outline.Aspect -> com.sun.tools.xjc.model.Aspect
- Fwd: exception unmarshaling a JSON object
- Fwd: JAXB mapping
- Fwd: JAXB Maven Plugin: jaxb.index
- Fwd: JAXB2 fluent-api improvement
- Fwd: jaxb2-reflection newbie question
- Fwd: Looking for hosting a Jaxb 2 plugin for namespace prefixes
- Fwd: maven-jaxb2-plugin problem
- Fwd: Maven2 plugin to JAXB 2.1 ?
- Fwd: NullPointerException com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.ClassBeanInfoImpl.checkOverrideProperties(ClassBeanInfoImpl.java:205)
- Fwd: Reused UnmarshallingContext omits errors when errorsCounter is exceeded
- Fwd: Updating distributionManagement in annox, hyperjaxb3, jaxb2-commons, maven-jaxb2-plugin
- Fwd: upgrade problems
- Fwd: xsd:union serializable issue
- Gagan Bhatnagar/AMER/i2Tech is out of the office.
- Gary R Martin is out of the office.
- Generalized JAXB container class?
- Generate C++ equiv?
- Generate CMP Entity Beans
- Generate DOCTYPE in source
- Generate enum?
- Generate from schemas which resides within jars?
- Generate java classes from XSD using JAXB that extends existing class file
- Generate java packages to reflect structure of schema tree?
- generate javadoc
- Generate the JAVA-model from a dtd
- generated class extend from a class outside the package
- Generated class not inheriting correctly when mixed="true"
- Generated Class Object size
- Generated classes cannot be abstract?
- Generated classes extend
- Generated Classes Implements Serializable
- generated classes not generating necessary method
- Generated code compiler warnings
- Generated code uses unchecked conversion
- Generated impl class - line length
- Generated impl class interface, baseclass and extensibility
- Generated impl classes have very long lines
- Generated runtime classes
- Generated runtime depends on XJC jar in version 1.0.3
- generated schema fails validation (jaxb 2.1)
- generated source inner classes
- Generated Source uses wrong namespace issue....
- generateIsSetMethod
- generateValueClass="false" and javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext.newInstance
- generating _at_JoinColumn annotation from hyperjaxb3 when containing class is @Embeddable
- Generating _at_XmlElementWrapper from XJC
- generating Annotated classes with JAXB ?
- Generating bound javabeans using xjc
- Generating Classes for Elements of Differing Case
- Generating Code...Factories? Interfaces?
- Generating concrete classes
- Generating custom method
- generating DOCTYPE in Marshalled XML
- generating from xsd with xml catalog
- Generating inline comments from plugins
- Generating Java bindings in different packages
- Generating Java code from XML instance?
- Generating java objects from xml with no pre-compiling or external tools.
- Generating Light-weight Runtime
- Generating one java class for subnodes with the same structure
- Generating schema for class files in a jar
- generating schemas from Java classes?
- Generating substitution groups in schema
- Generating to different packages throgh inclusion
- Generating XmlRootElement from xsd
- generation of constants into code by JAXB
- Generation of Enum type from NMTOKEN restricted type
- generics in XSD ?
- Get "Provider xx not a subtype" when adding JAXB extension to XJC
- Get Schema from compiled JAXB-Classes
- get text using JAXB
- getContent() instead of getters and setters?
- getNamespaceURI
- Getters/Setters Missing from JAXB Generated Class
- Getting a Java 5 enum from XJC
- Getting contents of xsd:any element
- Getting Enumerations using API
- Getting error w/ namespace
- Getting JAXB to instanciate your subclasses
- Getting JAXB to instantiate your subclasses
- getting list of all getXyz() in JAXB generated Java type interface?
- Getting NPE in "com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.TransducedAccessor.get(JAXBContextImpl, RuntimeNonElementRef)" marshalling to XML
- getting null validation message
- getting POJO attributes as element content?
- getting rid of ^M characters in XJC generated .java files
- Getting Simple Plugins to work
- getting simple xjc plugin to work
- GlassFish - Ask the Experts
- GlassFish Day - FREE event in San Francisco on May 7th.
- Global _at_XMLElements
- Global bindings
- global customization in Java-first approach
- Global versus local binding customizations
- globalBinding issues...and exceptions
- globalBindings and org.w3 generated classes
- globalBindings)
- GMF Model/Diagram
- good book
- Good JAXB reference material covering advanced use
- GPL or CDDL license on JAXB sample code.
- GUI Binding
- Hacking the maven plugin
- Handeling Extensible Schemas with JAXB
- handle CDATA in jaxb
- Handling of types with enumeration and invalid values
- Handling repeating element names inside a complex type
- Handling Special Chars
- Handling uninitialized "boolean" elements
- Handling xs:any differently
- Happy holidays everyone
- hasEnum & Class.forName in CodeModel
- hashCode
- hashCode and equals methods in generated classes
- hashCode and equals methods in generated classes [JAXB-2.x Maven-2 Plugin]
- HashMap and JAXB
- HashMaps and Jaxb2
- Having Namespace for every attribute
- Having problems with duplicate names and types in first attempt using Spring 3.0 Jaxb2Marhaller
- Having problems with xjc
- help - possible unmarshaller bug
- Help : webmethod with interfaces as parameter and return result
- Help about "[ERROR] XPath error: null"
- Help me to Solve this Problem
- Help needed mapping a collection of Strings to an element with attribute
- Help needed: multiples schemas
- Help on retaining XML->Java mapping
- Help packs for schema-derived classes
- Help please: NoClassDefFoundError occurs running the examples
- help with a jaxb schema
- help with custom bindings
- Help with JAXB API
- Help with JAXB2
- Help with maven 2 plugin for jaxb 1.x
- help with Schema describe different object depends to attribute
- Help with the code-injector plugin, or code injection in general
- help with unmarshaling
- Help! ContentHandlerAdaptor.startPrefixMapping called with null prefix!
- Help!! Elements & types
- HELP: JAXB <class> Declaration failed
- help: JAXB takes too much CPU time
- Hi - JAXB how to get element name
- HibernateProxy causes class type mismatch
- High-level JAXB/JAX-WS Question
- host new version plugin for Boolean ( isXXX and getXXX)
- Hosting plugin
- How can I bind nested element
- How can I customize the names of the generated Java classes and fields?
- How can I generate Concrete Classes
- How can I get unsigned Jars for JWSDP1.4
- How can I persist the content of "xsd:any" tag ?
- How can I read xjc.exe error output
- How can I specify length constraints?
- How can I unmarshall a xsd:any element ?
- How can JAXB generate getter method for boolean?
- how do I generate the JAXB Model to edit/add/remove XML comments in the XML Content
- How do I get the CDATA data ?
- How do I separate the <xsd:choice/> sub elements into individual list properties?
- How do I specify CDATA for a tag?
- How do you pick up default values from XSD/JAXB
- How does JAXB handle changes to schemas?
- How does JAXB handle enumeration?
- how i can serialize a ResultSet into XML ?
- How JAXB Generates Choices
- How reliable is Schema Validation?
- How the caching is done in JAXB
- How to "import" restriction patterns in generated JAXB classes
- How to access the simple element's SchemaType in JAXB 2.0 XJC Plugin
- how to add a xslt processing instruction using JDK 1.6 (Jaxb 2.0)
- How to add sgml / an xhtml tree without jaxb bindings
- How to add size constraint to a collection
- How to assign an adapter to the root element?
- how to attach MS word document in xml message?
- how to avoid duplicated (generated) classes?
- How to avoid generating bindings for specified namespace
- how to bind enum with public constructor
- How to bind existing class into schema generation?
- how to call xjc from ant on Mac ?
- How to Change package name to targetnamespace in XJC ant task
- how to change the the xmlnamspace prefix from "n2" to something like "myPrefix"
- how to construct an element from the corresponding type
- How to consume CAML Formatted Response with JAXB?
- how to create objects instead of primitives
- How to customize JAXB (XJC) to imitate _at_XmlElementWrapper
- How to customize undefined schema-types?
- How to debug: compiler was unable to honor this annotate customization.
- How to declare/retrieve declared namespaces?
- How to disable trace log in console
- How to distribute a JAXB implementation?
- How to fill dynamically JAXB java objects
- How to fix [INFO] Thrown by JAXB : Element "{http://my.services.namespace}ProblemElement" shows up in more than one properties.
- How to force JAXB to generate correct output for derived classes
- How to force JAXBElement<?> as data type
- how to generate constants?
- How to generate customized javadoc
- how to generate jaxb-impl-2.1.12.jar?
- How to get different things into the same list?
- How to get link to Parent Element?
- How to get rid of the default namespace in SOAP response ?
- how to get the annotations with the methods in stead of with the fields?
- How to get the element name on a validation error
- How to get types right inside of IDRef'd Collections
- How to get XML name of attributes?
- How to handle interfaces when JAXb generates xml
- How to have CXF work with external JAXB bindings file?
- how to I set up my xjb file so that my editor will validate?
- how to ignore an error during partial unmarshalling
- How to ignore/disable/revert/override JAXB class-level @XmlJavaTypeAdapter in certain situations ?
- How to include XSD documentation?
- how to inject import statement with plugin
- how to make a class implement Serialiazable without changing the schema?
- How to make a list mapping manditory
- How to make appear new attributes in xml file when saving them ?
- How to make enumeration class serializable
- how to make parent class property transient on subclass
- How to make simple change in XML mapping of list
- How to map Java enum to XML element (not #PCDATA) body?
- how to map jaxb to rdbms? Is anyone using hibernate?
- How to map xs:integer to java.lang.Integer within jxb:bindings jxb:bindings?
- how to marshal a java.lang.Boolean ?
- how to marshal an object to document fragment
- how to marshal classes that cannot be annotated?
- How to marshal element without XML prolog, to avoid content before prolog?
- How to marshal hexBinary correctly?
- How to marshal two or more content trees into a single XML document
- How to marshal XML fragments with JAXB
- How to Marshall the parent element
- How to marshall values as elements?
- how to obtain namespace of the unmarshalled object?
- How to parse this xml
- How to preserve linefeed between tags?
- How to preserve the elements order in schema...
- How to prevent generating bindings for imported schemas
- How to prevent JAXB generate classes for imported schema
- How to prevent xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- how to refer to a common schema without duplicating entries found in the common namespace
- How to register a custom ValidationEventHandler with XmlJavaTypeAdapter
- How to remove a tag?
- How to render Map objects?
- How to resolve class/interface conflict
- How to retrieve attributes of XML elements?
- How to send comments on the JAXB spec?
- How to serialize an Exception subclass in JAXB
- how to setup jaxb marshaller to generate the namespaces at the root node.
- How to solve type conflicts
- How to specify base type for a complexType
- how to specify implementation of a custom interface in the JAXB schema
- how to specify the customization of these elements
- How to specify what schema to use and where it is located
- How to specify xjc version when using jaxb maven plugin
- How to tell element from attribute in plugin code
- how to throw exception in methods of extended classes
- How to turn off xjc warnings?
- How to unmarshal nested xml element to java object
- How to unmarshal nested xsd schemas ?
- how to unmarshall an xml file with attribute using annotation?
- How to unmarshall custom subclasses?
- How to unmashal the xml to a sub class?
- how to unmashall custom subclasses of schema derived binding classes?
- How to upgrade JAXB impl provided?
- How to use anytype: get and set value in pojo
- How to use anytype: get and set value in pojo]
- how to use catalogs with jaxb 2.0
- How to use CopyBuilder?
- how to use schemagen ant task with class files instead of source
- How to use subclasses of JAXB created classes
- How to use XJC with standard ANT distribution and without JWSDP_HOME
- How to use XML objects as members of other XML objects?
- how to use xsom to detect the presence of xsd:choice
- how to write a xsd that mapping to java.util.Map
- How to write fixed content?
- how use compiled class in runtime
- how use inheritance without xsi:type.
- Howto avoid 'a required object is missing' exception
- Howto set Location in _at_javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema
- Html tags
- http proxy negotiation
- http://repo.mergere.com/maven2/javax/xml/
- hudson w/ maven-jaxb2-plugin
- Hyperjaxb2 0.6.0 release
- Hyperjaxb2 version 0.4 released
- hyperjaxb2]
- Hyperjaxb3 - issue with Sequence
- Hyperjaxb3 association customization
- Hyperjaxb3 release 0.2
- Hyperjaxb3 release 0.3
- Hyperjaxb3 version 0.5.5 released
- Hyperjaxb3 version 0.5.6 released - JPA 2 is now supported
- Hyperjaxb3/EJB3
- hyperjaxb3: Does not work with Dublin Core
- hyperjaxb3: No test creation/run on sample
- I am looking for a SAX echo sample to traverse the xml file and write it in console
- I made a Jelly plugin for JAXB
- I: Jaxb binding problem
- ID's supported properly? MVS vs. JAXB
- Ideas for the next blog entry
- IdentifiableObject cast for IDREF check throwing null
- Identifying anon simple types
- Identifying Choice vs minOccurrs=0
- IDREF, ID and xjc:idSymbolSpace
- IDResolver support
- If you are using JAXB...
- if-ins plugin does not support parametrized interfaces
- Ignore DOCTYPE dtd Declaration
- Ignore Superclass Binding?
- ignored annotation solved
- Ignoring DTD and using another schema to validate file
- Ignoring DTD and using schema instead
- Ignoring Namespace URI on Unmarshalling
- illegal val for integer, but no validation error raised in sample1 app
- IllegalAccessError when compiling under intelliJ
- IllegalAnnotationsException no ObjectFactory with an element
- IllegalAnnotationsException when _at_XmlValue and _at_XmlJavaTypeAdapter both present in xjc generated code.
- IllegalAnnotationsException: 1 counts of IllegalAnnotationExceptions JAXBElement does not have a no-arg default constructor
- IllegalArgumentException
- IllegalArgumentException (loc parameter must not be null) when try to unmarshall via JAXBResult
- Image as Base64
- impClass Insantiation
- impl class customization
- implClass Instantiation
- Implementation of JAXB spec V0.90 available?
- Implementing Generation Gap Pattern
- Implementing Serializable
- Implementing the Visitor Pattern
- Import, include, and Windows paths with spaces
- Imported GML schema
- Importing from a different namespace problem
- Importing single .xsd file from JAR project with multiple .xsds
- imports under windows
- include|import> problems again!
- inclusion of xml comments in marshalled files?
- Incompatible types
- incompatible types... JAXB
- IncompatibleClassChangeError
- IncompatibleClassChangeError When Creating Unmarshaller
- incomplete XML generated after using object factory
- Incorrect Marshalling Of Object
- Indentation in marshalled Xml
- indexed collections
- IndexOutOfBoundsException in serializeURIs
- inefficient typesafe enumeration
- influencing the ordering of attributes for marshalling
- Information
- information about JAXB release
- inhereted default overrides do not work
- Inheritance and class callback methods
- Inheritance by xsd:extension used in implClass Classes
- inheritance issue: elements (via xs:restriction) in xsd not showing up as fields in subclass in generated java file
- Inheritance seems broken
- Inherited classes
- initcap element names?
- Initial upload of fluent-api and value-constructor to new repo
- Injecting Code with Plugins
- injecting JAXB annotations at runtime
- Injecting XmlAdapter and different type from schema binding
- Inline Customization, help explain error
- inner class madness
- inner element/class issue
- Inserting an XSL stylesheet reference using JAXB
- Installation problems with JWSDP 1.2
- InstantiationException when unmarshalling fpml instance document
- InstantiationException when using restrictions and abstract schema type...
- Integer in Enumeration value
- Integration into JDK
- IntelliJ plugin for generating files with JAXB 2.0 generator (XJC)
- Interesting annotations mapping problem
- Interesting tidbit, has anyone seen this?
- interface
- Interface inheritance
- Interfaces generation for Element containing embedded definition of complexType
- Interfaces plugin
- interleave
- InterleaveExp object growth
- Intermittent ClassCastException from ElementNSImpl to own type during unmarshalling
- Internal Error after migration to 1.0.1
- Internal Error and No Source
- InternalError when parsing XML schema
- Intervening with jaxb marshalling
- Introspection and type in JAXB 2
- InvalidRegex
- InvocationTargetException when parsing a schema
- InvocationTargetException when trying to create modelGroupBinding
- Invoking JAXB/WS tools in JavaSE 6 is not painful any more
- Is a partial write of a document possible?
- is anyone using JAXB with spring-framework 3.0 ?
- Is it possible to apply xslt while marshalling with jaxb fragment
- is it possible to generate inherited classes with JAXB?
- Is it possible to map an optional int element to a primitive int instead of an Integer?
- Is it possible to marshall a part of a JAXB object ?
- Is it possible to tell JAXB unmarshaller to ignore namespace?
- Is it possible to use JAXB having a partial schema of the documents to be processed?
- Is java.util.Map supported in JAXB 2.0
- Is JAXB treating default and explicit namespace differently
- Is Marshall thread safe?
- is there a memory overhead
- Is there a way that XJC will add my own annotation
- Is there a way to limit xjc to generate only given namespace
- Is there a way to mark up my xsd files so that xjc will generate java classes with hibernate annotations?
- Is there a way to read schema in order to get meta data information?
- Is there a way to support multiple schema versions in a single JAXB java set?...
- Is there a way to turn off Annotations for the XJC binding compiler ?
- is there an XSD type that maps to a java dictionary, hashTable, or Properties class ?
- Is there someone who knows where to get "JAXB_RI_src_20050407.jar"?
- Is unmarshalling from a file the same speed as a ByteArrayInputStream?
- issue - marshal or Binder.updateXML is not saving in the xml file
- Issue 29
- issue 585 and building jaxb from cvs
- Issue 6 Exception when Unmarshalling an element with int or d ouble list as a value
- Issue 6 Exception when Unmarshalling an element with int or doubl e list as a value
- Issue 6 Exception when Unmarshalling an element with int or double list as a value
- issue report
- Issue reports, anyone looking at them?
- Issue to use Annox - can you help me?
- Issue unmarshalling object...unexpected element
- Issue using XmlMixed, XmlRefrences, XmlRefrence annotations
- Issue with Enum conversion to Java Class
- Issue with Nillable Elements....
- Issue with types that refer to themselves, and arrays
- issues using maven-jaxb1-plugin-1.0-rc7
- Issues with arbitrary transformation of boolean to String
- Issues with Binder<Node>
- Issues with maven-jaxb2-plugin
- Issues with Unmarshaller and setSchema for jaxb-2.1.9
- It's only a test - delete it
- Iterating Through Content Tree
- j2s annotating, class extends ArrayList
- J2SE target version for JAXB?
- jabx Ant task fails while JDK xjc succeeds
- Jar files
- jar files in jaxb 2.2.6 lib are built by Java6 and cannot be used under Java5
- jar is corrupt
- Jars on maven repo
- jarsigner unable to sign jaxb libraries?
- java 5 enum type serialization problem
- Java 5 enum vs type-safe enum
- Java 6, JAXB, and XJC Plugins
- Java classes from WSDL using metro
- Java Generate classes for XSD
- Java heap space
- Java inheritance
- Java objects to XML Mapping.
- Java packages with relation to Nested schemas.
- Java SDK 1.3 Compatability
- Java to XML mapping: existing Java classes to existing XSDs ?
- Java Update: Generate XML Mapping Code with JAXB
- Java Web Start
- java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
- java.lang.ClassFormatError when creating JAXBContext object
- java.lang.IllegalAccessError occured during JAXBContext.newInstance("package name");
- java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError and JDK versions
- java.lang.InternalError
- java.lang.InternalError at JAXBContext.newInstance()
- java.lang.InternalError when using xs:IDREF datatype
- java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/xml/bind/ImplementatioReg istry
- java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/xml/util/XmlChars
- java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/namespace/QName
- java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/namespace/QName/JAXB bundling
- java.lang.reflect.Proxy: NoClassDefFoundError
- java.net artifact to SVN sources relationships
- java.net,jaxb has been migrated to GitHub and groups.io discussion service
- java.security.Permission does not have a no-arg default constructor.
- java.util.map - still not supported?
- java.util.Properties
- JavaBeans2schema?
- Javadoc for fields
- javadoc generation for JAXB generated classes using mavn-javadoc-plugin
- Javadoc on "get" methods
- Javadoc package.html and overview.html with external bindings
- Javadoc's
- javadoc, I am stuck
- javadocs
- javaType generates JAXBElement wrapper
- JavaType/hasNsContext working
- javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: Provider com.sun.xml.bind.Conte xtFa ctory could not be instantiate
- javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: Provider com.sun.xml.bind.ContextFa ctory could not be instantiate
- javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException
- javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException- with linked exception:[com.sun.msv.verifier.ValidityViolation: unexpected attribute
- javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element
- javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element (uri:"http://xmlns.escenic.com/2008/content-type", local:"content-types"). Expected elements are <{}content-types>
- javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: Unexpected end of element {}:
- JAX-B and xsd:choice
- jax-qname and namespace artifacts are missing
- JAXB & Google's AppEngine
- JAXB & SGML & JAXB Release
- JAXB & xjc version determination
- JAXB & XML Encryption
- JAXB & XML Security
- jaxb (or all jwsdp) jars are not compressed?
- JAXB + abstract JDK classes
- Jaxb + EndpointReference
- JAXB - Automatic creation of mandatory children
- JAXB - ClassCastException
- JAXB - fails to resolve XML namespace for XHTML schema
- JAXB - Generating java classes using xjc.bat
- jaxb - NPE in DatatypeConverter
- JAXB - problem with prefixes
- JAXB - the return of procedural programming?
- JAXB - wrong getter method?
- JAXB / enumerations
- JAXB / Needs to add header tag and close the header tag at the bottom
- JAXB 1 - catalog issues
- JAXB 1.0 - namespace conflict?
- JAXB 1.0 and 2.x in one project
- jaxb 1.0 and jaxb2.0 differences and simple binding (migration)
- JAXB 1.0 download from where?
- JAXB 1.0 under the CDDL
- jaxb 1.0->1.01: unmarshalling VerifyError
- Jaxb 1.0.1 and defaults values
- JAXB 1.0.1 now available in JWSDP 1.2
- JAXB 1.0.1 Sealing Violation
- JAXB 1.0.1: DataWriter.setIndentstep() deprecated
- JAXB 1.0.3 beta cycle
- JAXB 1.0.4, subtypes within other types
- JAXB 1.x problem with maxOccurs
- JAXB 2 - external annotations file ??
- JAXB 2 and App servers
- JAXB 2 and xjc:dom
- JAXB 2 samples, Maven, LinkageError
- jaxb 2, controlling minoccurs / maxoccurs from annotations
- JAXB 2.0
- JAXB 2.0 and J2SE 5.0
- JAXB 2.0 and the JAXBElement
- JAXB 2.0 default values
- JAXB 2.0 EA performance analysis
- JAXB 2.0 Getting Started or Migration document
- jaxb 2.0 handling custom xml standards like fixml and fpml
- JAXB 2.0 latest snapshot performance
- jaxb 2.0 multiple schemas
- JAXB 2.0 overall question
- JAXB 2.0 performance
- JAXB 2.0 substitutionGroup and common type
- JAXB 2.0 union
- JAXB 2.0 Unmarshal NullPointerException
- JAXB 2.0 XJC Value-Constructor Plugin
- JAXB 2.0 xs:int binding
- jaxb 2.0, schemagen
- JAXB 2.1 - unmarshal out of context
- Jaxb 2.1 sample bugs ?
- JAXB 2.1 schema compiler
- JAXB 2.1 XML to Java - Changing generated class name for a single XML element
- JAXB 2.1.3: customize namespaces
- jaxb 2.1.4 plural property names
- JAXB 2.1.8 XJCTask issue with source="1.0"
- JAXB 2.2.11 is released.
- JAXB 2.2.5 Released
- JAXB 2.2.6 and Java 7
- JAXB 2.2.6 Released
- JAXB 6u3 -> 6u4 6u5 setter/getter weirdness
- JAXB _at_XmlIDREF tag not seeing some inherited classes
- jaxb abstract mixed serializeBody problem
- JAXB alternatives for ID/IDREF
- JAXB and attribut error messages
- JAXB and calendar datas
- JaxB and DOM dictionary
- JaxB and DOM dictionary & JAXB Customization
- jaxb and ejb
- JAXB and empty elements
- JAXB and equals
- JAXB and Hibernate
- jaxb and jbpm xsd
- JAXB and JXPath
- JAXB and List interface
- Jaxb and namespaces
- JAXB and nillable="true" error
- jaxb and null values
- JaxB and Simica
- jaxb and size
- JAXB and Tomcat 3.2
- JAXB and Tomcat 5.0.19
- jaxb and upcasting
- JAXB and very large instance documents
- JAXB and Web Services
- JAXB and Web Services]
- jaxb and webservice issue BARE ,Wrapped ,JAXB
- JAXB and XPointer,Xlink or XInclude
- JAXB and xsd:any values
- JAXB annotated class to include external schema
- JAXB annotation - depending on the content of an xml-attribute
- jaxb annotation in xsd file
- JAXB Annotations Question
- JAXB AnyType
- jaxb applet AccessControlException
- JAXB backward compatibility
- JAXB base64 encode/decode of PDF is corrupted on roundtrip
- JAXB Basics xjc inheritance plugin usage
- JAXB beginner questions
- JAXB Beta Version license (Urgent)
- JAXB Binder issues
- jaxb binding file for + <extension base="anyType"/>
- JaxB binding issue for Anonymous Complex types
- JAXB binding questions
- jaxb binding string issue
- JAXB binding to non java webservices SOAP-RPC Complex Data Types
- JAXB bindings: associate web service client with existing entities
- JAXB binds not annotated class
- jaxb bug
- JAXB Bug [?]: Unknown enum values are unmarhalled as NULLs
- JAXB can not handle the xsi:nil attribute?
- JAXB Can't Compile DSMLv2 Schema
- jaxb can't handle this schema?
- jaxb code generation issue
- Jaxb code generation problem
- JAXB CodeModel : How to add Return and Paramter Types as generics
- JAXB Commons Lang Plugin 2.2 is released
- JAXB compilation plugin
- JAXB Compiler
- JAXB Compiling Error
- JAXB complexType code generation problem
- JAXB context initalization
- JAXB conversion of wildcard to DOM (<xjc:dom />) stripping ou t na mespace attributes
- JAXB conversion of wildcard to DOM (<xjc:dom />) stripping ou t namespace attributes
- JAXB conversion of wildcard to DOM (<xjc:dom />) stripping out na mespace attributes
- JAXB Customization collectionType
- jaxb customization question
- JAXB customization to generate flat (less hierarchal) Java class
- JAXB declaration types
- JAXB Default Field Value
- JAXB dependent on xercesImpl.jar? - without it get missing resource: org.apache.xerces.impl.xpath.regex.message, locale en_GB
- JAXB differences in JDK 7 for Lists
- JAXB distribution rights?
- JAXB documentation needs some overhaul?
- jaxb does not inherent classpath
- jaxb doesn't comply to the jaxb spec
- Jaxb doesn't generate Interface for element of complex type
- jaxb EAR project classloader problem - please help
- jaxb error codes
- JAXB error output
- JAXB escaping apostrophe (Single Quote)
- JAXB exceptions when compiling standard XML Schemas
- JAXB Fluent API 2.2 is released
- JAXB fluent api plugin
- JAXB for Android?
- JAXB for JSON: intolerance towards Java Interfaces
- JAXB framework jar files required at runtime
- JAXB generated code is giving me a get method but NOT a set option
- JAXB generated interface has missing "void setXX(List)" method?
- JAXB generated java beans not generated in proper heirarchy based on xsd:extension
- JAXB generated Java Model + JXPath
- JAXB generating binding involving substitutionGroup head
- JAXB Generic
- jaxb globalbinding and import
- JAXB Help!!!!
- JAXB I realy need you help
- JAXB Image attachment issues
- JAXB impl.runtime classes
- JAXB implementation for Java 1.5.0_16
- JAXB in applet under Windows problem after ClassLoader
- JAXB in unsigned applet.
- JAXB in Websphere
- JAXB inheritance conflict - Re-annotatig on sub-classes
- jaxb inheritance problem
- jaxb inheritance question
- JAXB instantiates extra HashSet layer
- jaxb is now live
- JAXB issue on referenced elements under anonymous complex types
- JAXB issue with complexContent, mixed=true, extension
- JAXB issue: java.security.Permission does not have a no-arg default constructor.
- jaxb iterator?
- JAXB License
- JAXB Life Cycle Events for Sub classes of impl classes
- JAXB Lists and Trees
- JAXB looking for nonexistent StackTraceElement constructor when generating code
- JAXB mapping
- JAXB mapping for XSD type anyURI
- JAXB marshal error: <my.genpkg.class> nor any of its super class is known to this context
- JAXB Marshal Not specifying the DTD in generated XML
- JAXB marshaling error in entities having one to many, many to one and many to many relationship
- JAXB Marshalling Problem (JSR 286 RI)
- JAXB marshalling question
- JAXB marshalling recurzive object strucutre
- JAXB marshals DOM Element with/without attributes in xs:any differently
- JAXB MAven Plugin
- JAXB Maven Plugin: jaxb.index
- JAXB Max Exclusive
- JAXB memory leak issue
- JAXB metainformation
- JAXB Model Group Binding
- JAXB multiple namespaces and packaging
- JAXB multiple schemas with element reference
- JAXB newbie questions
- JAXB Node finding???
- JAXB not repeatable?
- JAXB Null Policy
- JAXB object "versioning"?
- JAXB on the web is Unable to parse included schema
- JAXB one-to-many relationship problems.
- JAXB or schema problem?
- JAXB over JDK1.5
- JAXB Package Solution
- JAXB Philosophy
- JAXB Plugin
- jaxb plugin - can't have custom tags under a redefine element?
- JAXB plugin help
- jaxb problem
- JAXB problem on JDK 1.6 when compiling xsd to java classes....
- JAXB problem recognizing enums?
- JAXB problem with "com.xyz.ReadSomething nor any of its super class is known to this context."
- JAXB problem. ( PLEASE HELP , URGENT ).
- JAXB problems with reserved word "Public"
- JAXB property to remove standalone='yes'
- JAXB question
- JAXB Reference Implementation - GA Release Date?
- JAXB Reference Implementation 2.2.7 available in Maven Repo but not in jaxb.java.net/ (only 2.2.6 is available)
- JAXB Reference Implementation Bug ?
- JAXB reflections: getting a property name from RuntimePropertyInfo
- JAXb regular expressions
- JAXB RI 1.0 -> 1.0.2 - package name change?
- JAXB RI 2.0
- JAXB RI in Maven
- jaxb ri vendor extension
- JAXB schema limitations
- jaxb seems to be bombing.
- JAXB serialization: Option to have a reference to inner objects
- JAXB Setup
- JAXB Sockets and Joy.
- jaxb source code?
- JAXB stack flow error
- JAXB stack over flow.
- JAXB support for SOAP.
- JAXB Swallowing Exceptions
- JAXB team on break
- JAXB Tutorial on my home page
- JAXB Type issues
- JAXB unable to handle large schema (java.lang.StackOverflowError)
- JAXB Unmarshaller Performance and thread-safety
- JAXB Unmarshalling - missing object when only an attribute present
- JAXB Unmarshalling and XmlIDREF using different stores
- JAXB Unmarshalling error unexpected element
- JAXB Unmarshalling Exception when Encountering & l t ; and & g t ;
- Jaxb unmarshalling to generic list of base class type
- JAXB Unmarshalling: How to use null as default value?
- JAXB unmarshlling using setNameSpaceAware(false);
- JAXB unsupported operation exception
- JAXB users and JDJ/WSJ readers' choice award polls...
- jaxb validation errors
- JAXB Validation project only for JAXB 1?
- JAXB Validation without a Schema
- JAXB Value Constructor plugin
- JAXB value objects
- JAXB Version in JDK 6
- JAXB Vs Castor
- JAXB with DTDS
- JAXB with interfaces - not working
- JAXB with J2EE Connectors
- jaxb with jersey, can unmarshal, but not marshal
- jaxb with maven
- JAXB Workshop announcement.
- jaxb xfire/cxf ArrayOf<Type> mapping
- JAXB xjc _at_XmlElementWrapper plugin...
- JAXB XJC compiler disregarding mixed=true on XML Schema documents
- JAXB XJC Maven 2 Plugin Questions
- JAXB XJC Maven 2 Plugin with JDK 1.6.0-beta2 not working!
- JAXB XML and Oracle extracts
- JAXB XML output format questions
- JAXB, ClassLoaders and Web apps
- JAXB, Introspector, BeanInfo and method sigantures
- JAXB, JAXM and JAXRPC integration
- Jaxb, problems without solutions ?
- JAXB, session beans, JAX-RPC and web services
- JAXB, SOAP and attribute namespaces
- JAXB, XJC and the Java Beans spec. - boolean getter methods
- JAXB, XML Schema, and Inheritance
- JAXB-1.0 FInal Version Implementation Issue.
- JAXB-1027 NPE
- JAXB-821 fix version not available for download
- JAXB-855: Found problem with <xjc:treatRestrictionLikeNewType /> in JAXB:XJC
- JAXB-918 testcase
- JAXB-INTEREST Digest - 15 Jan 2003 to 16 Jan 2003 (#2003-14)
- JAXB-Interest Subscription Problem
- JAXB-like API for JavaScript?
- JAXB-NameSpace issue
- jaxb-reflection Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/istack/FinalArrayList
- jaxb-reflection-2.0.3 with jaxb-2.0.1?
- jaxb-ri-20050407\lib directory
- jaxb-verification mailing list
- jaxb.index
- jaxb.index exists but is ignored, exception on JAXBContext.newInstance
- jaxb.properties and bgm.ser files in a jar
- jaxb.properties not found
- jaxb/annox issue with custom annotations
- Jaxb/hibernate with ManyToOne
- JAXB/XJC generated annotations and xs:documentation
- JAXB/XJC How to change the default namespace?
- jaxb1 -> jaxb2 migration newbie question
- jaxb1 -> migration newbie question
- JAXB1 compatibility in recent JAXB2 releases
- jaxb1 problem with complex-types vs elements
- jaxb1.0 -> 1.0.1 Cannot compile several schemas with same simpleType
- JAXB1.0.1 generated java/class files are much larger compared to JAXB1.0.0
- jaxb2 - duplicate element issue
- Jaxb2 - Maven 1.x plugin?
- JAXB2 - Problem with marshaling
- JAXB2 2.0.3 UTF-8 support
- jaxb2 and idref
- jaxb2 and idref and java type-safe collection
- jaxb2 and inheritance
- jaxb2 and toString generation
- JAXB2 Annotate Plugin 1.0.0 released
- JAXB2 Basics 0.5.2 and Hyperjaxb3 0.5.4 released
- JAXB2 Basics 0.5.3
- JAXB2 Basics 0.6.0 and Maven JAXB2 Plugin 0.7.4 released
- JAXB2 Basics 0.6.3
- JAXB2 Basics 0.9.2 released
- JAXB2 basics inheritance xjc plugin
- JAXB2 commons-lang plugin 2.1.3 released
- JAXB2 commons-lang plugin suggestion
- Jaxb2 enum problem
- jaxb2 handle CDATA content
- JAXB2 NullPointerException
- JAXB2 on-demand validation
- jaxb2 plugin
- jaxb2 plugin leads to build error
- JAXB2 versions
- JAXB2 versus Maven2
- JAXB2-Basics 0.7.0 released - JAXB2 Annotate Plugin is moved to the separate project
- jaxb2-basics version 0.6.2 released
- jaxb2-basics-annotate produces class that won't compile
- jaxb2-commons
- jaxb2-commons plugin file hosting
- jaxb2-commons plugins
- jaxb2-commons value-constructor generate two no-arg constructors
- jaxb2-commons version and hyperjaxb3 version 0.5.2 released
- jaxb2-reflection - releases?
- jaxb2-reflection available on a maven2 repository?
- jaxb2-reflection exception
- jaxb2-reflection exception vs. com.sun.bind.v2 example
- jaxb2-reflection library help
- jaxb2-reflection library line number information
- jaxb2-reflection problem
- JAXB2.0 and Java 5
- JAXB20: duplicated namespaces
- JAXB: Handling of user-defined annotations in JXC
- JAXB: Java code generation for Annotation tag elements (appInfo, documentation)
- jaxb:schema
- JAXBContext
- JAXBContext and Mac OSX
- JAXBContext and multithreading
- JAXBContext extremely slow for large XML schemas
- JAXBContext.newInstance Issue
- JAXBContext.newInstance() - long time to execute
- JAXBContext.newInstance() thread safe ??
- JAXBElement binding and the ObjectFactory
- JAXBElement wrapper of combined minOccurs ="0" and nillable="true"
- JAXBElement: afterUnmarshal callback parent incorrect
- JAXBElement<? extends AbstractDataRecordType> Java generics questions
- JAXBElment correct creation inside a POJO
- JAXBException [signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package]
- JAXBException [signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package]]
- JAXBException when setValidating is set to true
- JAXBModelFactory exception
- JAXBPlugin: Is it possible to move a class into another package?
- JAXException
- JaxMe evaluation
- JAXRPCException in j2me client
- JClass : usefulness of .dotclass method
- JDK 1.6, Ant and JAXB 2.1 Commons plugins: ClassCastException from com.sun.tools.xjc.Options.findServices
- JDK problem
- JDK Support
- JMethod.varParam generating array instead of object definition
- Jonathan Seidman/DEV/ORBITZ is out of the office.
- JPA Annotator plugin
- JPA as an alternative to Hyperjaxb2
- JSON unmarshaling problem
- Jsonix: JAXB for JavaScript
- JSR 14 Generics?
- JSR-222 MR Doc comments
- JTable to XML and back
- Just checking on an exception
- JWSDP 1.4 jars not compressed?
- JWSDP 1.5 jars uncompressed?
- JWSDP 1.6 Jars
- JWSDP on windows installation problem?
- JWSDP-1.4 - XJC Ant Task
- jxb:bindings with DTD
- jxb:javaType with int
- jxc : Inheritance for only one classe?
- JXCFacade omit to build some types
- Kenai migration complete: Documents & Files are imported
- Lack of toString() in generated bean classes?
- Large schema's generate so many classes that ObjectFactory is too big for Java
- large static block
- Latest?
- Laura Gadd is out of the office.
- Lazy Classloading
- Lazy Init Collections in Generated Classes
- License for XJC plugins
- License terms for redistribution of individual components
- licenses issues
- Licensing issues
- Licensing options using jaxb implementation
- Licensing?
- Line-numbers of already parsed elements
- LinkageError on running XJC
- Linking to JAXB javadoc
- links within javadocs on the public website broken
- List handling
- List<Item> customization
- List<JAXBElement<?>> generated
- List<JAXBElement<?>> incompatible with generated types
- Listing of required Permissions
- Lists and JAXB
- Loader Constraints and Maven 2
- Loading classes as a JAXB-maven-plugin addon
- Localisation and Customizing in JAXB
- Localization
- Localization - SOLVED
- Location of validation Errors
- Long processing time
- looking for a tool that will split an xsd file containing several complexTypes into separate files
- Looking for hosting a Jaxb 2 plugin for namespace prefixes
- Looking for JAXB to ATOM feed adapter example
- lookup type by QName
- Losing namespace prefixes on attributes when marshalling to DOM
- Losing namespace prefixes on attributes when marshalling to DOM [More Info]
- Mail list archive not working?
- Make Field/FieldRenderers public
- Making a webpage for JAXB maven plugin?
- Making generated classes serializable
- Making JAXBContextImpl serializable
- making namespaces/packages auto-discoverable
- Making XJC plugins work with JAXB as endorsed in Java 1.6
- map namespace to packages
- map xsd:restrictions as subclasses
- mapping attributes java.lang.Character
- Mapping binding objects to interface
- Mapping custom class to URI XML representation
- mapping element with a single attribute?
- Mapping Heterogenous Hashmap to JAXB
- Mapping interfaces
- Mapping java.sql.Date
- Mapping of java objects with XSD using JAXB
- Mapping of SAX events to corresponding JAXB classes
- mapping using annotations without compiling a schema
- mapping widgets in interface with attributes defined in schema
- marhal to a file on Windows ala Unix
- Marhalling ingores top level element and creates invalid XML
- Marshal also "unnecessary" namespaces
- Marshal Empty Elements
- marshal lists - missing type names
- Marshal output is incorrect when using derived types.
- marshal to an Output Stream which is derived from an urlConnection
- marshal to an Output Stream which is derived from an urlConnection Part II
- marshal to dom
- Marshal to DOM (using Node.userData)
- Marshal to unqualified form?
- marshal using a pull model
- marshal vector , Please help
- marshal without envelope tag
- marshal xml to multiple clients
- Marshal/unmarshal contained objects
- Marshal/Unmarshal terminology
- marshaling without validation (for debugging)
- marshall wrapper element that's not present in model
- Marshalled XML from type extensions
- Marshaller and namespaces
- Marshaller bug
- Marshaller not formatting the output from depth 8
- Marshaller not writing namespace information
- Marshaller problems
- marshaller.marshal is failing with exception
- marshalling
- Marshalling a content sub-tree
- Marshalling a superclass
- Marshalling an element only marshalls its contents.
- Marshalling and java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D
- marshalling and unmarhalling a sequence of any element
- Marshalling and unmarshalling to several root elements
- marshalling CDATA data
- marshalling collections or arrays
- Marshalling Dates
- marshalling empty element
- Marshalling empty lists as null
- Marshalling error using XmlElementRef
- marshalling fails on SUBSTITUTED_BY_ANONYMOUS_TYPE error
- marshalling formatted output
- Marshalling from _at_XmlJavaTypeAdapter for Map type emits redundant or duplicated namespaces
- Marshalling from two shemas
- Marshalling hibernate object with lazy loading
- Marshalling in chunks?
- marshalling invalid XML?
- Marshalling Java to XML without namespaces
- marshalling jaxb content to an xsd:anyType schema element
- Marshalling list types
- Marshalling of values with xsd:QName simple type
- Marshalling outputs XML with a duplicate element
- marshalling over the network?
- Marshalling pb with abstract complex types
- Marshalling problem
- marshalling problem with QName in attribute
- marshalling question --how to disable output of <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
- marshalling thread safety
- Marshalling unmarshalled XML leaves out root element
- marshalling using custom SOAP bindings
- Marshalling with carriage returns
- marshalling/unmarshalling an ArrayList
- marshlling problem
- maven
- Maven 2 Jaxb 2 plugin exeption with multi module build
- Maven 2 Jaxb2 plugin - request for supporting plugins
- Maven 2 Jaxb2 plugin available.
- Maven 2 Jaxb2 plugin use
- maven 2 plugin, multiple schemas, single binding file
- Maven 2 xjc plugin - configuration settings
- Maven 2 xjc plugin - update notice
- Maven JAXB plug-in - license info
- Maven JAXB Plugin disappeared today.
- Maven plugin and InvocationTargetException
- Maven Plugins - Which is best?
- maven pom.xml for compiling & packaging xsl's
- Maven repository problem with maven-jaxb1-plugin
- maven-jaxb-plugin and xjc plugins
- maven-jaxb-plugin doesn't recognize <args> configuration option
- maven-jaxb-plugin extension tag
- Maven-jaxb-plugin problem when using binding files.
- maven-jaxb-schemagen-plugin additional hand-written schema import
- maven-jaxb1-plugin - run xjc for test sources
- maven-jaxb1-plugin new version 1.0-rc8 can attach to test sources
- maven-jaxb2-plugin
- maven-jaxb2-plugin 0.11.0 released
- maven-jaxb2-plugin 0.3 release
- maven-jaxb2-plugin 0.5 release and documentation
- maven-jaxb2-plugin 0.9.0 released
- maven-jaxb2-plugin and hyperjaxb3
- maven-jaxb2-plugin and java 1.6
- maven-jaxb2-plugin configuration issue
- maven-jaxb2-plugin disappeared (again) ?
- Maven-jaxb2-plugin issue
- maven-jaxb2-plugin problem
- maven-jaxb2-plugin to renamed due to a trademark/naming convention issue with Apache
- maven-jaxb2-plugin version 0.5 released
- maven-jaxb2-plugin version 0.7.5 released
- maven-jaxb2-plugin version 0.8.0 released
- maven-jaxb2-plugin version 0.8.1 released
- maven-jaxb2-plugin with 'Connection timed out'
- maven-jaxb2-plugin, jaxb2-commons, hyperjaxb3 - new versions are available for testing
- Maven2 plugin
- Maven2 plugin to JAXB 2.1 ?
- Maven2 plugins from the repo
- Maven2 repository
- Maven2 versus JAXB
- Maven2 versus JAXB2 (on ibiblio)
- Maven2 versus JAXB2 (on ibiblio)]
- Maven2 with JAXB 2.0
- maven2 xjc plugin
- max length field validations
- Maximum number of child nodes possible
- maybe a cycle error!!! please give help
- Meaning of "traverse a graph of JavaBean objects" (JAXB 2.0)
- meaning of "URI was not reported to parser for entity"?
- Meeting notice
- Message ("Your message dated Mon, 20 Jan 03 10:14:27...")
- Message ("Your message dated Sat, 25 Jan 03 12:47:14...")
- Method renaming
- Metro 2.3 released
- migration -> jaxb2 issue
- migration from xmlbeans to jaxb?
- Minimal set for JNLP
- minoccurs on primative types
- minOccurs=0 and nillable=true
- minOccurs=maxOccurs=0 produces empty interface -- bug or feature?
- Minor spelling error in JAXB
- Minor typos in JAXB spec
- Missing attribute error handling problem
- Missing cast when generating from relaxng schema?
- Missing elements in java classes
- Missing setter for collection
- missing setWhatever()
- Missing source in JAXB 2.1.3 ?
- Missing XmlRootElement annotation
- mixed content
- mixed content - compiler bug?
- mixed="true" getContent()
- mixed="true", JAXBElement and List<Serializable>
- Mixing custom/manual marshalling with JAXB
- Mixing schema-derived and own annotation defined types in a JaxbContext
- Mod change in MethodWriter.declareMethod
- Model Group Binding
- Model Group Binding for mixed content
- model groups with repeating occurrence
- modular XML with headers ??
- More configuration/customization
- more detail on "problems with Xerces?"
- More JAXBElement
- More unmarshalling errors
- moving from JAXB beta to final release
- Mssing InterleaveDispatcher
- Multiple inheritance
- Multiple inheritance problem
- Multiple internal lists for xs:choice mapping?
- multiple namespace for one class (dynamic change)
- Multiple objects which are root elements in the same package
- Multiple schema and maven plugin
- Multiple Schemas
- multiple schemas sharing generated classes?
- Multiple version handling
- Multiple XSD one application
- Multiple XSDs and Namespace Issues
- My experience with 'simpleMode.xsd' extension
- My LinkedIn and XING profiles
- Name Collision
- Name collisions
- names differing only in case
- Namespace for Exceptions
- Namespace issue in JAXB unmarshalling
- Namespace issues
- Namespace Prefix
- Namespace prefix 'ns2' being added
- Namespace prefix for schemas?
- Namespace Prefix Issue
- namespace prefix mapping.
- Namespace problem
- namespace problems
- Namespace problems with imported schemas
- namespace query
- Namespace question
- Namespace to package name default mapping is dropping a digit in version number
- Namespace usage and xsd:any element problem
- Namespace workaround does not appear good enough
- NamespaceContext"'s signer information issues when unmarshalling
- NamespacePrefixMapper
- namespaces by marshaller output
- Namespaces in marshalled Node
- namespaces marshalled incorrectly using _at_XmlAnyElement
- Naming when creating a list of complex elements
- namspace in Jaxb2
- navigate from DOM to JAXB binding object
- Need a schema representation of a multivalue attribute for JAXB
- Need a small help
- need a syntax to perform custom binding for anonimus complexType
- Need advise on JAXB namespace prefix retaining issue.]
- Need an external binding file that makes all classes serializable
- need API documentation for the "early access" edition of JAXB
- Need example (pom.xml) of how to use JAXB with maven plugins (nothing works as documented)
- Need help - I need to overwrite the "required=true" in one element
- Need help to migrate jaxb 1.0 to jaxb 2.0
- Need help to use Jaxb early access version with Redhat Linux8.0
- Need help with "Undefined operation name" error
- Need help with JAXB and Office Open XML schemas
- need some explanation on jaxb generated code
- Need to update JAXB version
- Nested anonymous complex types
- Nested Includes
- new bee cxf problems
- new bee jaxb
- New Features in JAXB 2.0
- New Hyperjaxb3 website: http://confluence.highsource.org/display/HJ3/Home
- New JAXB project
- New Plugin
- New plugin - enhanced Bean Property Listeners Injection
- new release of jaxb
- New releases: maven-jaxb2-plugin 0.8.2, jaxb2-basics 0.6.4
- New to JAXB -- having problems
- New to the list
- Newb question regarding inheritance
- newbe - missing defaultValue on attributes
- newbe question: marshalling element default values ?
- newbe: can xjc generate enums classes from anonomous types
- newbe: how can I generate javadoc from the schema documentation
- Newbie - Compiling large schemas
- Newbie - need the For Dummies break-down
- Newbie compile problem
- Newbie help
- Newbie question !
- newbie question about xsi:type
- Newbie question...
- Newbie Questions
- Next release
- Nillable elements
- nillable for _at_XmlRootElement
- Nillable, minOccurs="0", maxOccurs="unbounded", JAXBElement necessary?
- nillable="false" not working
- No class generated for element with type="int" (xjc)
- no code is generated to indicate a doc contains an optional element ?
- No concrete java class generated for a global element that references a global type
- No element type generated
- no get and set methods generated
- No more pings! WAS: ping!
- No ObjectFactory with an _at_XmlElementDecl
- No ObjectFactory with an _at_XmlElementDecl for...
- no setters generated
- No values in JAXBElement wrapped class
- NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/xml/bind/marshaller/NamespacePrefixMapper
- Non-deterministic XJC code generation
- noob question
- nor any of its super class is known to this context ..problem...
- Normative meaning of "cannot"
- Not authorized
- not display an attribute
- Notification on object initialisation
- NotSerializable
- NPE at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl.getNearestTypeName(JAXBContextImpl.java:663)
- NPE in marshall when an adapter returns null
- NPE in SAXOutput.text
- NPE when generating Schema on Windows
- NPE when using SCD customization on anonymous types [Virus checked]
- NPE with Messages.format
- ns2 issue
- Null and abstract
- Null pointer exception at client side with CXF framework
- Null pointer exception during unmarshalling
- null pointer exception when unmarshal from DOM
- NullPointer on creating JAXBContext
- NullPointer when unmarshalling
- NullPointerException
- NullPointerException during validation
- NullPointerException in class W3CDomHandler
- NullPointerException using jaxb:javaType
- NullPointerException when generating
- NullPointerException: at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.util.ByteArrayOutputStreamEx.readFrom(ByteArrayOutputStreamEx.java:76)
- NumberFormatException while unmarshalling an attribute of incorrect type (despite being detected as invalid by schema validator)
- object array in xsd
- object reference in xsd
- ObjectFactory API
- ObjectFactory collisions error message
- ObjectFactory doesn't generate JAXBElement<> createxxx(JAXBElement) method
- ObjectFactory is NOT used in unmarshal
- ObjectFactory plugin
- ObjectFactory registers Inner Classes incorrectly (BUG ?)
- ObjectFactory vs Constructor; package name vs class
- ObjectFactory.getRootElement() too large.
- ObjectFactory.java Method Order
- Observation regarding jax2b reflection API
- obtaining content of a complexType with simple content
- OC4J & IncompatibleClassChangeError
- Odd error unmarshalling with SOAP
- oddity in creating and then marhsalling
- OGC Schemas
- On Demand Valiadtion under JAXB 2.0
- On Demand Validation Errors
- On demand validation fails on extended complex type
- On-demand-validation problem
- Online Chat on JWSDP 1.4 on July 27th PDT.
- Online Chat, April 22, on JAXB
- Online Chat, July 15, On Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.2
- Online Chat, June 5, on Java Web Services Developer Pack v 1.2
- Only getXXX() is generated for list
- Only run under debug mode ? Help!!
- Opening the JAXB-INTEREST archives to non-subscribers
- Optimizing JAXB RI Marshal performance
- Optimizing JAXB RI Marshal performance (solved)
- Optimizing JAXB RI Unmarshal performance
- option to create ObjectFactory or jaxb.index automatically with schemagen
- optional and conditional xml schema elements
- optional and nillable elemens
- optional attributes
- Optional List based attributes and marshalling
- order of constructor args when using the value-constructor plugin
- Order of marshalling items in a collection in JAXB 2.1
- Order of xml elements in generated schema
- Order-Column does not seem to work
- Ordering of enum values in XJC
- org.jvnet.staxex:stax-ex:1.7.7 to the central Maven repo
- org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: unexpected root element
- other vendors was: jaxb.properties and bgm.ser files in a jar
- Out of sync issue with JAXB
- OutOfMemory: I need help to compile big schema
- OutOfMemoryError
- Overiding default JAXB mappings
- package _at_XmlSchema(namespace="value") annotation ignored in package-info.java
- Package name - name space URI mapping
- Package name forjaxb2-commons XJC plugins
- packaging jaxb for Debian
- parameterizing attributes
- Parse and print methods - documentation error
- Parse error on unmarshal - upgrading from jaxb 2.0 to jaxb 2.1
- Parse with StAX and map to JAXB objects using Reflection?
- parserproblem line 17 colum 22
- Parsing CDISC ODM schema
- Parsing xml files that have a Microsoft schema
- Partial marshaling?
- Partial Marshalling
- partial marshalling?
- Partial unmarshalling & xs:anyType
- passing plugin service impl to xjc
- patch for maven-jaxb2-plugin
- Patching JAXB
- pattern in a simple type
- Peformance of JAXB
- Performance of signed and not compressed jar files?
- ping!
- Place JAXB and Endpoint files in two different locations using wsimport
- Please Help (hibernate annotations in schema classes..)
- please help name collision resolution
- Please help with educating me on the jaxb bindings to deal with duplicate elements in mutliple .xsd files.
- Please help with Issue 668
- Please Help! NullPointerException when calling JAXBContext.newIsntance()
- please help: Error: unable to load schema-for-schema for W3C XML Schema
- Please Help: JavaType for attribute
- Plugin Dev: class member variable visibility
- Plugin development
- Plugin development and debug
- Plugin for EJB 3.0 annotations
- Plugin for JAXB Outline Traversal
- Plugin hosting
- Plugin problem
- Plugin to change JAXB 2.0 default values behavior
- Plugin: inject-code
- Plugins Missing
- Plural elements in RelaxNG
- POJOs and (EJB) annotations
- Polymorphism and Code generation
- Polymorphism in Schemas
- Polymorphism problems
- pong
- Populating elements jaxb2-reflection RegistryInfoImpl never created
- portnumbers in target namespaces
- Possible bug (infinite loop) - where to submit?
- Possible bug and workaround
- Possible bug in handling xs:gMonthDay in JAXB reflections library
- Possible bug in RI
- Possible bug in RI (soln)
- Possible bug in the property customization example
- Possible bug in unmarshal() after SAXParseException thrown twice
- Possible inconsistency in the way treatRestrictionLikeNewType behaves
- possible JAXB bug with non-ASCII characters
- Possible JAXB marshalling bug for XML 'character references'?
- possible to get wildcard content not registered w/JAXBContext?
- preserve the element order in schema...
- Preserving order on XML element attributes
- Preserving whitespace in attributes on unmarshalling
- preserving xml comments
- Prettier printing
- Prevent class hierarchy being reflected in schema
- prevent generating files for import xsd
- Preventing JAXB from generating classes for imported schemas
- primitive types (int, double etc.) instead of class types
- problem - XML with DTD
- problem about xs:choice
- Problem compiling generated jaxb classes
- Problem compiling the generated classes
- Problem compiling the Schema
- problem compiling the xjc generated interface and classes
- Problem generating a XML document......help...
- Problem generating classes from schema - xjc
- Problem generating Java classes from XSD's
- Problem implementing GET REST service due to JAXBException exception
- Problem in compilation of class coded for generating the XML file by using JAXB
- Problem in compiling Scheme compiler in JAXB
- Problem in converting fixed attribute of element tag as constant in JAXB
- problem in enum generated from simple type
- Problem mapping interfaces with XmlElementWrapper
- Problem marshaling <xs:any> element with attributes
- problem marshalling from prefixed data
- Problem marshalling part of a xml msg
- problem marshlled elements when substitutionGroup defined
- problem of anytype
- problem of simple element not being generated in JAXB2.X
- Problem of webservice call and namespace using glassfish V2 M4. Bug of JAXB ?
- Problem unsubscribing from mailinglist... (VB: Results of your commands)
- problem using jaxb2 basics to generate toString() methods.
- Problem using JAXBSource class
- Problem validating a mixed content tag
- Problem when marshaling a object which contained a DOM element as its field
- Problem while un-marshalling - "src.com.java.exception" doesnt contain ObjectFactory.class or jaxb.index
- Problem with 1.0.1 XJC Task and .impl.runtime
- Problem with <element ref="elname"> generation
- Problem with a mixed content element type
- Problem with Ant task
- Problem with BPMI Schema
- Problem with Calendar/Date's
- Problem with co-existence of JAXB 2.0 objects and JAXB 1.0 objects
- problem with code generated for derived types
- Problem with code generation for double (floating point numbers)
- Problem with episodes and substitutiongroup
- problem with external binding file with an @extensionBindingPrefixes
- Problem with implClass and jaxb1.0 to 2.1.3 conversion
- Problem with imported schema: There's no ObjectFactory with an @XmlElementDecl for the element {http://purl.org/dc/terms/}identifier.
- problem with installing JWSDP on linux
- Problem with Integer binding (extends)
- problem with jaxb and abstract schema types
- Problem with JAXB and Interfaces
- Problem with JAXB ANT task
- Problem with Jaxb code generation
- Problem with JAXB episodic compilation and XJC plugins
- Problem with jaxb isSet generation
- Problem with JAXB RI 1.0.1
- Problem with jxb:class implClass and jaxb1.0 to 2.1.3 conversion
- Problem with mandatory elements
- Problem with namespace
- Problem with namespaces in jaxb generated files
- problem with SAX parser
- problem with SMIL2.0 schema
- Problem with string arrays containing nulls
- Problem with using JAXB from applet
- problem with XJC while compiling mixed type DTD element
- Problem with xs:any
- Problem with xs:element->xs:annotation->xs:documentation for a simple type
- Problem with xsd:extension
- Problem: Unmarshaller throws exception even if ValidationEventHandler returns true
- problems binding two elemenst with same name
- Problems Deploying FCS with Tomcat
- Problems Deploying FCS with WebSphere 3.5.4
- Problems generating objects from complexContent
- problems generating schema with XmlJavaTypeAdapter
- problems marshalling object throwing a nor any of its super class is known to this context exception
- Problems parsing the IFX 1.5 Schema
- Problems runing JWSDP 1.1
- Problems running Sun One Studio with WSDP
- problems using JAXB to write a WebDAV provider (attribute "targetNamespace" has a bad value: "DAV:" does not satisfy the "anyURI" type)
- Problems while binding OpenGIS Examples
- problems with generated xml documents
- Problems with JAXB 1.0 -- Please help
- Problems with multiple root elements in same package
- Problems with running XJC for JAXB 1.0.2
- Problems with Runtime Classses.
- Problems with SAML xsd
- Problems with substitutionGroup
- Problems with Workflow Management Coalition Schema
- Problems with xml binding in SensorML schema
- problems with xs:group, xs:choice - jaxb2
- Processing instructions
- Processing Large XML Files
- Programmatic validation
- Programmatically adding an attribute field
- progress + problems with using JAXB over webstart
- Property access of the generated code
- Property Binding and ref's
- property list
- Property Name binding
- Prostprocessing model - creating properties and classes from JAXB plugin
- protected access of NAME member
- Provider and Licence question
- publishing jaxb 1.0 jars in the maven repo on ibiblio
- Q: Does JAXB handle elements with minOccurs="0" correctly?
- Q: Element and Attribute with the same identifier
- QName parsing issue
- Question about http://jaxb.java.net/faq/JaxbCDATASample.java
- question about hyperjaxb3
- Question about marshaling sub types
- question about modularization
- Question about ObjectFactory
- Question about primitive types API: determing if an element is set or not?
- Question about tree of subjects, etc
- question about UTF-8 characters
- question on Annotate Plugin
- Question on building JAXB from source
- Question on JAXB 2.0 ValidationEventHandler
- Question on namespace and using external binding file.
- Question on ObjectFactory constructor
- Question Regarding Complex Types
- question regarding unmarshal an element of XML
- Question: Default wrapper bean package
- questions about managing multi versions of JAXB classes
- Questions on JAXB2 Reflection Project
- Questions on typesafe enum classes
- R: Changing JAXB version
- R: DateTime error
- R: I: Jaxb binding problem
- R: R: DateTime error
- raw xml in wildcard content
- Re : Changing JAXB version
- Re : Need help - I need to overwrite the "required=true" in one element
- Re : Re : JAXB in applet under Windows problem after ClassLoader
- Reading .XSD and .XML Files from Jars
- Rebuilding problem
- Recursive schema?
- recursively nested elements
- redefine
- Reducing number of Generated classes
- Ref Implementation
- reference error
- Referring to an adapter from XSD
- Reflection - XML element name?
- Reflection and JAXB
- Regarding Bug 4800069
- Regarding JAXB
- regarding UndeclaredThrowableException and Issue 721
- Regression bug in XJC 2.1
- Regular Expression
- Relational Data in XML?
- RelaxNG a and SVG 1.2 Tiny
- Release date JAXB 2.2.5
- release of src code??
- Release timeframe
- ReleaseNotes.html
- Releasing maven-jaxb2-plugin
- Reminder: Online Chat, April 22, on JAXB
- Reminder: Online Chat, June 5, on Java Web Services Developer Pack v 1.2
- Remove empty optional elements from xml
- Remove me please
- remove namespace prefix from child elements by setting default namespace locally?
- Removing elements
- Rendering Collection<T> objects to JSON
- repo1.maven.org?
- Reporting bugs?
- REPOST: http://repo.mergere.com/maven2/javax/xml/
- reproducible test case for jaxb-xerces interaction problem
- Request clarification using regular expressions within simple types
- Request for adding nillable to _at_XmlRootElement
- Request for wiki plugin enlistment
- required java version for jaxb usage
- Required while MinOccurs = 1
- Rescheduled: Online Chat on Java Web Services Developer Pack v 1.2
- Resolve error with JAXB XJC
- Resolve the schema location from the classpath?
- Resolved: Can I specify the annotation retention policy for Java annotations written for me by XJC?
- Resolving xjc error of repeated global elements
- Response to: Customizing IDREF target type?
- Response to: xml Processing instructions (Kohsuke Kawaguchi)
- restricting access to constructors of generated classes
- Restricting xs:anyType
- restriction attribute handling
- restriction of a type containing a "ref" element
- Restriction parameter from schema to class annotation.
- ret: <jaxb:superClass> Implemenation!
- Retain minOccurs, maxOccurs attributes
- retrieving enumerated values from schema at runtime (jaxb 1.0.5)
- Retrieving substitutionGroup information from JAXBElement
- retrieving tag names and values
- Reused group keeps general content property
- Reused UnmarshallingContext omits errors when errorsCounter is exceeded
- Reusing bindings from previous xjc run
- RI 2.0.3?
- root element collision on the JAXBContext
- Root element with anyType
- Root elements
- RSS schema ?
- Running jaxb on portlet 2.0 xsd
- running xjc from java program
- Running XJC from within my program?
- Running XJC under Mustang build 48
- runtime (or per-instance) custom unmarshaling
- s2j: get the java type for a qname generically
- SAX Exception in Websphere Server 4.0.1
- SAX Parse Exceptions + setting encoding type
- SAX-like JAXB?
- SAX2DOMEx problem when used with axis 1.4 SOAPHeader
- SAXParseException: unexpected root element
- SAXParseException: Why?
- SCD and custom elements
- scd customization example
- schema and namespace
- Schema Annotations/Documentation to Javadoc
- Schema best practice for modeling UML association
- Schema binds in jaxb1, but not jaxb2
- Schema Builder
- Schema choice/sequence behavior changed from 1.0 to 2.0ea
- Schema collides
- schema compilation and c-style comment
- Schema compilation error
- Schema creation: telling JAXB a schema has already been generated
- Schema evolution in JAXB 2.0
- schema generation error
- Schema include problem using xjc.bat
- schema inheritance, XmlSeeAlso, and marshalled result
- schema location or namespace of JAXB object
- Schema Parser
- Schema Schema
- Schema versioning and schema evolution
- schema-derived annotation - _at_XMLTransient
- Schema-wide customization
- schemaBinding and namespaces and xjb.
- schemaExcluds
- SchemaFactory order source in relation to import directives
- schemagen and using _at_XmlElementRef on a non-collection property
- schemagen and xsd documentation annotations
- schemagen ant task example is broken?
- schemagen does not look at package-info.class
- SchemaGen Exception?
- Schemagen fails when non-JAXB Annotation found
- Schemagen issue with type in one namespace depending on base types in another namespace
- schemagen maven plugin
- SchemaGen Plugin
- Schemagen tool generating java classes.
- Schemagen using Netbeans
- SchemaGen XSD Generation
- schemagen: order of generated enum values
- schemaLocation problem
- Scope of jaxb:extensionBindingPrefixes
- sealing violation
- SecurityException in JApplet caused by System.getProperty() in JAXB package
- seeking for advise
- selective generation of classes
- Sending arrays in objects.
- Separate Code Generation
- Separate compilation with xs:include ?
- sequence bound with a get but no set?
- sequence element order
- sequence of attributes
- serial UID mismatch
- Serial UIDs
- Serializable and Cloneable implements in a external customization file
- serialization in RI
- serialization issue with xs:choice?
- SerializationException
- Serialize anyType
- serializeAttributes - differing order
- serialized data in xml file
- Serializing a transformed value
- Serializing an additional enum field, ignoring it on deserialize
- Set instead of List?
- Set methods for collections
- Set<E> in class causes XMLStreamReaderException
- Setter method for maxoccurs="unbound" element
- setter or add method for collections
- Setting marshaller properties with JAX-WS
- setting Memory Parameter attribute in a build file to be used by Ant
- Setting multiple namespaces on an element tag
- Setting namespace prefix for Marshaller
- setting non-XML element field at unmarshal time
- Setting one element into another element with the same type
- Setting required and default values for attribute
- Setting up a JAXB plugin development environment in Eclipse
- Setting xmlns schema urls, How?
- Setup a custom XmlAdapter rather than generating one
- Short pause in my OS projects (Hyperjaxb3, JAXB2 Basics, ...)
- Significant changes since beta
- Simple (?) question concerning JSON root-Object
- Simple Annotation
- Simple binding not working?
- Simple Java list - based binding for containers that support substitutionGroup semantics
- Simple mode and extra classes problem
- simple question
- simple Xml->Java example
- Simplify Plugin
- single space field value
- sitemap
- sizes of generated sources and class files
- Slow performance of Unmarshaller when reading xsd:any element
- SOA, noValidator, noValidatingUnmarshaller
- SOAP and JAXB - problems with "mustUnderstand"
- Soap w/ Attachments without swaRef?
- SOE in XJC with large maxOccurs
- SOE with large schemas
- Solution to various problems running the JAXB examples on Windows with IDE's
- solved
- Solved: getContent() instead of getters and setters?
- Solved: NullPointerException com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.ClassBeanInfoImpl.checkOverrideProperties(ClassBeanInfoImpl.java:205)
- Some codemodel questions
- Some principal question
- Some questions with their answers
- Sorry for attachment in previous posting
- Sorting the arguements
- source code
- Source code for binding compiler?
- Source code from the 1.0.2 release
- Spaces in names
- Specified conversion customization is not used.
- Specified globalBinding customization not used error when compiling XJC
- Specified globalBinding customization not used error when compiling XJC DIDN'T WORK
- Specify _at_XmlJavaTypeAdapter class via bindings file?
- Specify output file name with schemagen ant
- Specify XmlAccessorType in schema
- Specifying -episode in jaxws-maven-plugin configuration
- Specifying attribute order with the maven-jaxb plugin
- Specifying Interfaces that generated classes extend/implement
- specifying minOccurs when using _at_XmlElementRef?
- specifying no namespace + prefix when unmarshalling XML docs
- specifying runtime-location
- splitting/combining properties
- Sr. Sales Executive Opportunity, Data Storage Solutions
- src-resolve.4.2: Error resolving component
- Stack Overflow during Unmarshal
- StackOverflowError
- StackOverflowError when using xjc ant task
- Stepping over an element
- Steps to follow to run Java-XML application using JAXB
- Still frustrated with ClassDefNotFoundError for com/sun/xml/bind/v2/runtime/JAXBContextImpl$JAXBContextBuilder with xjc in Ant
- Still no Substitution group support?
- Storing JAXB structured XML in Oracle
- Strange error
- strange error message when using XJC (via the Maven 2 plugin) to generate POJOs for XMPP
- Strange Exception on unmarshalling
- strange object creation behavior
- Strange output for nillable elements at marshall time
- Strange plugin problem
- Strange problem with latest JAXB 2.0 release
- Strange problem, please help
- String index out of range
- String interning
- Stripped off elements
- Stumped by JAXBIntrospector
- Sub-classing JAXB generated classes
- subclasses get xsi:type instead of real type
- subclasses, annotation inheritance and propOrder
- Subclassing JAXB 2.0-generated classes
- Subject: Ordering of enum values/xsd attributes in XJC
- Substituting a type's List property for the type itself
- Substitution groups
- SubstitutionGroup and inheritance
- substitutionGroup over multiple files
- Sudden error message by xjc using ant
- Suggested packages names for SVG, XSL-FO etc?
- Suggestion: XPath binding annotations
- Sun vendor-defined marshaler property names
- super interface for some generated classes
- Supplying a custom CodeWriter
- Support for abstract types?
- Support for collapsing element hierachy?
- Support for DTD and other..
- Support for Relax NG in JAXB 2.x
- support for two versions of a schema
- supporting json schema in JAXB
- Supporting Maps
- Supporting Property Aliases via a bindings file?
- supporting schema extension in JAXB 1.0
- Supporting URLs and Maven artifacts in the maven-jaxb2-plugin
- Suppress namespace declarations
- Suppress warnings
- suppressing leading <? xml version="1.0" ?>
- suppressing the "Generated on" comment
- Suppressing xsi:type information
- supressing class generation with xjc
- Supressing namespace in elements when marshalling
- Synchronized Methods Extension
- Tag name not allowed... but the same tag-name is in allowed set?
- tag with attributes and text content as a field
- Technical Help Required in configuring JAXB in WebApp
- Technology Preview of JAXB 2.0 early draft Standards Implementation
- Tell you what...
- Telling JAXB a schema has already been generated
- test
- test - ignore
- Test - please ignore
- test 2
- Test Post
- test. ignore.
- Testing Pay.gov and the Verification Engine
- Thanks etc.
- Thanks for the ping
- The com.sun.xml.bind.util.ListImpl story
- The electronic parts you're looking for
- The JAXB book
- The JAXB team is taking next week off...
- The JAXB team is taking the next week off...
- The prefix "xml"
- The runtime type of IDREF types
- Theoretically inherited attribute not found, ????
- There's no ObjectFactory with an _at_XmlElementDecl for the element
- Thoughts on JAXB 'pattern'
- Thread Safety in JAXBContext
- Threading issue with big instance documents
- Three problems: how to solve?
- time for a maven release of the JAXB plugin?
- Time frame availability JAXB RI 2.0? (because of EA licence restrictions)
- TimeZone.MISSING in xsdlib.jar
- tips for using jaxb in oracle application server
- Too many target nodes (Xpath)
- Tools for converting to relational database?
- toString
- ToString plugin
- toString() methods on generated classes
- Tr : Looking for hosting a Jaxb 2 plugin for namespace prefixes
- training & jobs
- Transform structured documents into XML
- Transition from JAXB to something else?
- transparently switch between JDK internal JAXB and 2.1.7 on classpath
- TreeModel
- Trouble compling XAdES schem
- trouble editing xjb file in eclipse. does not not about jaxb and xjc types.
- Trouble running Java 7 byte code in Java 6
- Trouble/confusion unmarshalling: Invalid content was found starting with element 'foo'. One of '{foo}' is expected.
- Troubling error (jaxb-impl-2.2.2): NullPointerException at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.Lister$CollectionLister.addToPack(Lister.java:305)
- Troubling error: NullPointerException at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.Lister$CollectionLister.addToPack(Lister.java:305)
- trying metro
- Trying to Marshal a Java Exception subclass
- Trying to understand marshaller behavior
- trying to unmarshal class from xsd
- Turn off annotations
- Turning off validation when marshalling to file
- tweaking marshaller output?
- Two declarations cause a collision in the ObjectFactory class (jaxb2.0)
- Two new Sun jars available in Maven repos (Thanks Carlos)
- Type substitution
- Typesafe enum - size limit?
- typesafe enum class not being generated
- typesafe enum error
- typesafe enumeration
- typeSafeEnumMember name overriding
- typeSubstitution question
- Ummarshalling to Object type
- Unable to apply a customisation in a multiple compilation scenario
- Unable to catch JAXBException
- Unable to find a JAXB implementation to delegate.
- Unable to find jar file for package org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource
- Unable to find jaxb.properties
- Unable to generate a property name from a model group
- Unable to honor plugin customizations
- Unable to include schema with no target namespace
- Unable to load jaxb.properties Error
- Unable to locate jaxb.properties
- unable to locate the jaxb.properties file
- unable to use the jaxb2-basics plugin
- undefined element declaration using xjc api
- Underscores are ignored ?
- Understanding _at_XmlType
- Unexpect Element vs. undefined attribute
- Unexpected attribute "guid" ...
- unexpected attribute xmlns:ns1
- Unexpected class cast exception when using xs:anySimpleType
- Unexpected element JAXB 2.0
- Unexpected element when unmarshalling abstract type
- Unexpected element when unmarshalling abstract type]
- Unexpected end element
- Unexpected end element fatal error when invalid value is present for an element
- Unexpected end of element
- Unexpected end of element - URGENT Please help.
- Unexpected marshal result
- unexpected results when marshalling
- unexpected root element
- unexpected root element!
- Unicode UTF-8 Umlaute
- Union with date and dateTime
- Unique Particle Attribution
- unmarshal + namespace declaration == unexpected element
- Unmarshal a sax stream in parts
- Unmarshal BPEL file with StAX and JAXB
- Unmarshal by type question
- Unmarshal error
- Unmarshal error but XMLSPY says ok
- Unmarshal exception..
- Unmarshal fails for imported namespace
- unmarshal generates null field
- Unmarshal issue with xs:import
- Unmarshal performance
- Unmarshal question
- Unmarshal time validation not working?
- Unmarshal validation from annotations
- unmarshal/marshal discrepancy with attribute
- UnmarshalException when unmarshalling castor-generated xml data
- unmarshaling to extender MyClass
- unmarshall
- unmarshall an object from a org.w3c.dom.Document object
- Unmarshall and Marshalling does not produce the same XML
- Unmarshall namespace prefix problem
- Unmarshall not working after compilation via ant javac
- UnMarshall time Validation and ValidationEventLocator
- Unmarshalled Date Dropped from JAXB Object
- Unmarshaller and threads
- Unmarshaller expecting element with null namespace
- Unmarshaller falls with a strange error
- unmarshaller skipping unexpected elements for setValidating( false )
- Unmarshaller validating against multiple schemas
- Unmarshaller.setSchema vs Unmarshaller.setEventHandler
- Unmarshaller.unmarshal(File) fails to unmarshal from a File with "?" in it
- Unmarshaller.unmarshal(File) fails to unmarshal from a File with "?" in its path
- UnmarshallException "Unexpected element {}:xxx"
- UnmarshallException, unexpected attributes, inconsistent gene rate d classes across namespaces.
- UnmarshallException, unexpected attributes, inconsistent generate d classes across namespaces.
- Unmarshalling
- Unmarshalling 'enum's
- unmarshalling - turn off validation to prevent unexpected element exception
- unmarshalling - turn off validation to prevent unexpected elementexception
- Unmarshalling a DOM node to an XML file with JAXB
- Unmarshalling a DOM node to an XML file with JAXB]
- Unmarshalling a DOM throws NPE
- unmarshalling a MIME package
- unmarshalling annotated beans to DOM
- Unmarshalling behaviour 2.1.0 versus 2.1.4
- Unmarshalling complex types (without global elements) in JAXB1
- unmarshalling deep child elements to avoid traversal?
- unmarshalling EmptyType
- Unmarshalling error.. Is it a bug? Please HELP!!!
- unmarshalling exceptions
- Unmarshalling extended complexTypes
- Unmarshalling fails silently
- unmarshalling IDREF
- unmarshalling ignores element-attribute 'xml'
- Unmarshalling ignores value of anyType element
- Unmarshalling in a custom way
- Unmarshalling in JAXB
- Unmarshalling List/Array as root element
- Unmarshalling more than one root element from an InputStream
- Unmarshalling more than one root element from an InputStream.
- unmarshalling nested complex type elements
- unmarshalling not woriking correctly? What did I do?
- Unmarshalling of enums with whitespace characters
- Unmarshalling problem due to xsi:type attribute value
- Unmarshalling Question
- Unmarshalling race condition - appears fixed in 2.2.3u1
- Unmarshalling to an existing object?
- Unmarshalling via InputStream
- Unmarshalling with namespace xsd-validation
- Unmarshalling XML with a doctype
- Unmarshelling Exception
- Unnecessary System.err message from org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2.resolver.tools.ClasspathCatalogResolver
- Unordered elements (<all>) and type extension
- unqualified v.s qualified
- unrecognized parameter -Xboolean-getter (JAXB2 commons)
- UnrecognizedElementNameException
- Unsbscribe me
- Unset method not generated
- Unsigned Applets & JAXB
- Unstable when generating List<Serializable>
- Unsubscribe
- Unsubscribe Me
- UnsupportedOperationException with Binder
- Unsymmetrical validation
- Unsynchronized HashMap bug
- Unused customizations
- Update of JAXB Maven plugins
- Update on general availability of JAXB ref. impl.?
- Update Versions of jaxb impl and xjc in Jaxb Maven 2 Plugin version 1.0
- Updated JAXB
- Updating an XML FIle
- Upgrade 1.0.1 to 1.0.2: Specified conversion customization is not used
- upgrade problems
- Uploaded jaxb-2.x libs and maven plugin into m2 java.net's repository
- Urgent Problem with generated class: JAXBElement does not have a no-arg default constructor.
- URGENT: List not serializing correctly
- use case for Unmarshal / Marshal callback events
- Use Enum Member Field as value in serializing?
- Use of <appinfo> with JAXB
- Use of anyAttribute in a schema
- use of Integer instead of BigInteger
- Use of JAXB & SGML
- Use of jaxb:class/_at_implClass
- Use of xsd:any -> XML-22103 oracle error
- users Digest 3 Jul 2008 11:41:37 -0000 Issue 754
- users_at_jaxb.dev.java.net
- using .java files in a jar file for schemaGen
- using annox plugin from within .xjb file
- Using annox to generate annotations: works for me in only limited case
- Using CDATA in JAXB?
- Using custom annotations with JAXB
- Using Custom bindings to generate small classes for big schem as
- Using Custom bindings to generate small classes for big schemas
- Using EntityResolver to resolve schemas when unmarshalling with validation.
- Using existing classes
- using extensionBindingPrefixes within an external binding file
- Using generated classes as JavaBeans
- Using interfaces plugin problems
- Using Java, Ant and XJC
- Using javaType to map custom classes
- Using javax.xml.bind.Marshaller manually, will it read a "@XmlSchema" annotation automatically?
- Using javax.xml.bind.Marshaller manually, will it read a "_at_XmlSchema" annotation automatically?
- Using JAXB 2.0 in NetBeans 6
- Using JAXB 2.2 with JavaSE 6
- using JAXB and AXIS2 version 0.94
- Using JAXB binder to preserve <!-- comments -->
- Using JAXB for large XML Documents
- Using JAXB Generated Classes as Beans
- Using JAXB in a product or an internal deployment.
- Using JAXB to inspect XML schemas
- Using JAXB to marshall/unmarshall xml digital signatures
- Using JAXB with generics
- Using JaxB with Java Web Start
- Using JAXB with JAXM
- Using JAXB2 Commons with the jaxws-maven-plugin?
- Using JAXB2 for Saml2 development
- Using mixed mode content to handle XML-RPC default values
- Using SCD to refer to every element in the schema
- Using SchemaGen ant task programatically
- using superclass extension with dtds
- Using the maven plugin for multiple schemas with external customization
- Using vendor extension in the MAVEN 2 plugin
- using xjc:dom customization
- Using xjc:simple and xjc:treatRestrictionLikeNewType together?
- UTF-8 charcter in tag name
- UTF-8 encoding broken in JAXB 1.0 marshaller
- Valid javadoc in all jaxb generated sources?
- Validate Error
- Validate xml file against an schema
- validating a minOccurs="0" does not seem to work
- Validating unmarshalling from chameleon schemas
- Validating XML against Schema Element
- Validation & (Enums & Attributes & ErrorCollector & exceptions) ?
- Validation before marshall in Jaxb 2.0
- Validation Error
- Validation error marshalling using subclass Types
- Validation error reporting limitiations
- Validation Error with optional sequence containing optional elements
- validation event messages & element names
- Validation exception in JAXB
- Validation failure in JAXB UBL example in JWSDP 1.6
- validation issue
- Validation of boolean values and javaType
- validation problems with whitespace in xml-files
- Validation question
- ValidationEvent class version problem: class file has wrong version 49.0, should be 48.0
- ValidationEvent: I need some good suggestions !
- validationEventCollector problem
- ValidationEventHandler returns only parent object through ValidationEvent.getLocator().getObject()
- ValidationEventHandler returns strange Locator.Object
- Validator deprecation
- Validator finds cycles where there are none?
- Validator throws error for non-mandatory fields
- Value Constructor issue
- Value Constructor options
- Variable interpolation
- Verification for JAXB 2
- version attribute of <xs:schema ...> tag
- Version conflicts with JAXB in NetBeans and JDK 1.6
- Visiting all elements of the object tree
- VTD-XML 2.3 released
- Want to generate HashMap same way we have List using XSD
- Wanted: Serialize and Deserialize example
- warnings for unchecked calls on j2sdk1.5
- We are taking a week off
- Web Services and images from j2me client
- Webinar on JWSDP 1.5 & Future Roadmap
- WebSphere 6.1
- Weird error
- Weird problem
- Welcome to users_at_jaxb.dev.java.net
- WG: Can I run a JAXB 2.0 developed application on a J2SE 1.4.2_10 runtime ?
- What are the changes in 2.1.11?
- What are the license conditions for jaxb reference implementation modification and redistribution?
- what does exactly factory.setNamespaceAware(true) do when we use DOM and DTD?
- What does it means? "compiler was unable to honor this property customization. It is attached to a wrong place, or its inconsistent with other bindings."
- what happened to the eclipse xjc-plugin ? looking for easy way to use JAXB with eclipse
- What interceptor phase for HTTP Code 500 to 200 conversion?
- What is the status of JAXB2 Commons Value Constructor Plugin?
- What produces the error : ' "value" is used as an ID value more than once.' ?
- What would you like to see in tools.
- What's a good Patern for the following?
- whats the current status of hyperjaxb3?
- Whats the easiest way to find the namespace context at the point on which a POJO is instantiated?
- When does a jaxb object implement the hava.xmk.bind.Element interface?
- When to use elements, attributes, properties?
- When will the source be available??
- When will xjc create a Boolean, and when a boolean?
- Where are the downloads?
- Where does it say specifically that "Unmarshaller" instances are NOT thread-safe?
- Where I can download an archived snapshot of JAXB user guide?
- Where is jaxb-api-2.2.3
- Where is my attribute?
- where to get package for com.sun.xml.bind.*
- Where to get the latest XJC binary (early access) and what changes does it come up with?
- Which Java technology is better for delivering data stream between clients and servers
- which JAXB RI is bundled with JDK 1.6.0_02 ?
- While parsing with JAXB, sub branch is coming null
- White Space Elimination Problem
- White Spaces in xsd:string
- whiteSpace facet of xsd:decimal is not handled
- Who uses jaxb?
- Why can't you access XSSchemaSet from plugin?
- why Hyperjaxb3 generate cascadetype.all automatically?
- Why is CopyBuilder copy method checking isAccessible
- Why is jaxb-2.1.12 seemingly not in the Download directories on the Glassfish site?
- Why is schemagen seemingly ignoring most of my classes?
- Why JAXB do like this
- Why the Injector.class swallows the InvocationTargetException.
- Why we don't support abstract complex types
- Why would schemagen generate a "schema2.xsd" that imports the schema that I asked to be generated?
- Why you use jaxb.index file?
- Work-around for large schemas and <redefine> tag
- Working on a plugin - need to add a method that returns an array...
- Working with multiple vendor files - How To
- Would a XMLGregorianCalendar field marshal as a "datetime" value if not qualified with @XMLSchemaType(name="date")?
- Would a XMLGregorianCalendar field marshal as a "datetime" value if not qualified with _at_XMLSchemaType(name="date")?
- Wrapper element splitted in different list
- Wrapper object for collections issue with JAXB 2.1
- wrapping collections by using adapters
- Writing an XJC plugin to stabilize generated Java code
- Writing Attachments
- Wrong marshalling of xsd:any type
- WS & XML jobs openings in JWSDP group
- WSDL to java
- wsdl2java xjc plugins
- WSDP 1.2 and xsd:import
- wsimport -b binding.xml
- Xalan and XercesImpl
- XCJ naming collision with Attributes and Elements
- Xerces NullPointerException during unmarshall
- Xerces Versions
- XEW test project
- xjb and wsdl don't always play nice in 2.1.4
- XJC & Imported Schema Defineition : Cannot Resolve Name
- xjc - compiling schema that references other namespace without schema
- xjc - force consistent order in generated annotations?
- xjc - multiple binding files
- xjc 2.2 and the hash character
- xjc 20040405 uses 1.4 API
- XJC : Issues upgrading from v2.0 to 2.1....
- XJC : Leading Underscores and underscoreBinding
- XJC _at_XmlElement question
- XJC and "choice" element.
- xjc and element already defined
- xjc and PropertyChangeSupport
- xjc and schema imports
- XJC and the visitor pattern
- Xjc and using the wsdl option
- XJC ant task
- xjc ant task error "is not a valid version number" error
- XJC API for runtime code generation
- xjc binding compiler not generating impl/*.java files
- xjc binding customization does not work in jaxb 2.1.3. It works in jaxb 2.0
- XJC Binding specifications
- xjc bug with xsd:documentation
- xjc class generation: how to force XMLRootElement on a XSD element?
- XJC Cloneable plugin
- xjc compile questoin
- XJC compiler generates XML annotations on field when using the Xpropertyaccessors flag
- XJC custom extensions
- xjc doesn't generate namespace info for _at_XmlType
- XJC Eclipse plugin
- XJC ERROR - Schema not part of compilation (using external binding file)
- XJC error message
- XJC error message -> extending SingleField
- XJC error message -> extends SingleField
- xjc failing with NullPointerException
- XJC File name too long
- Xjc Fluent Api Plugin 2.1.3 released
- XJC Fluent API Plugin 2.1.8 Released
- XJC Fluent plugin not a subtype error
- XJC from my program : XSOM exception
- XJC frustration
- xjc generated classes with bound properties support
- Xjc generates "type=String.class" for Integer type
- XJC generates invalid type safe enumeration class
- XJC get the annotaion of an created field or as alternative the property order
- XJC Maven 2 Plugin
- XJC not generating XmlElement annotations w/o a logical pattern
- xjc on windows emits bogus Type is already defined errors
- XJC Out of Memory Exception
- XJC parsing loops forever on tiny example
- XJC plugin
- xjc Plugin - custom header / suppress checkstyle
- XJC plugin contributions
- XJC Plugin development question
- Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Wed Mar 15 16:46:16 2006)
- Gertelman, Michael, VF-JP (Wed Mar 15 16:38:32 2006)
- Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Wed Mar 15 16:20:39 2006)
- Gertelman, Michael, VF-JP (Wed Mar 15 16:17:00 2006)
- Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Wed Mar 15 12:59:11 2006)
- Gertelman, Michael, VF-JP (Mon Mar 13 16:25:07 2006)
- Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Mon Mar 13 12:20:18 2006)
- Malachi de Ćlfweald (Mon Mar 13 06:50:13 2006)
- Gertelman, Michael, VF-JP (Mon Mar 13 00:05:18 2006)
- Malachi de Ɔlfweald (Sun Mar 12 23:31:12 2006)
- Gertelman, Michael, VF-JP (Sun Mar 12 22:16:30 2006)
- XJC plugin for custom Java names capitalization
- xjc plugin problem
- XJC plugin that rewrites class names
- xjc plugin to generate a radically different code from a schema.
- XJC plugin with depencies
- XJC Plugin: created class doesnāt show up in outline.getClasses()
- xjc plugin: How to access enumeration value jxb:javadoc bindings?
- XJC Plugin: how to add a CClassInfo class to the model?
- XJC Plugin: turn of creation of ObjectFactory (or replace ObjectFactory with an own)
- xjc plugins and source code
- XJC plugins unavailable?
- XJC plugins under Java 1.6 and Ant
- XJC plus catalog file plus bindings problem
- xjc problems with Collada schema....
- xjc schema compilation error jaxb2 limitation?
- xjc shows platform dependant behaviour (external/custom bindings problem)
- XJC Simple Binding and Maven
- xjc superClass
- XJC task
- xjc task fails: looks for crimson
- XJC throwing a ClassCastException when parsing schema
- XJC with JPA2 and JAXB
- xjc-RI 2.2.4-2 does not support -Xpropertyaccessors option ??
- XJC. How to preserve case?
- XJC2Task setBinding
- XJC: get the Annotation-Information of a field
- XJC: get the narrowed class of an JClass or an JFieldVar for an enhanced loop
- xjc: how to make a class implement Serialiazable without changing the schema?
- xjc: strange "holder" type on generated code
- xjc:dom implementation
- xjc:dom in an .xjb file
- xjc:javaType
- xjc:javaType doesn't handle generics
- xjc:serializable in external binding file
- xjc:simple - Plural (not suitable for other languages)
- xjc:simple disabling plural
- xjc:simple disabling plural Friday, July 8, 2011 7:41 PM
- xjc:typeSubstitution type="complex", xsd:ID and com.sun.xml.bind.marshaller.IdentifiableObject
- xml - java: not generating setters for <xs:element> complex types
- XML and EJBs
- XML content within an element
- XML declaration control
- XML DTD with recursion
- XML element polymorphism??
- xml in a string
- XML Namespace
- XML Namespace -> Updated
- XML namespace to Java package name
- xml Processing instructions
- XML schema 1.1
- XML schema driven editor
- XML schema driven editor and simpleType element
- XML Schema questions
- XML Schema to Graph (pretty pictures) [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- XML Schema Versioning?
- XML Schemas for industry standards
- XML serialization with JAXB verse XML serialization with XMLSpy
- XML tag name changes after marshalling
- XML to Java Type Custom Binding
- xml-stylesheet example & whitespace
- XmlAdapter and array types?
- XmlAdapter and no default constructor
- XmlAdapter and type casts
- XmlAdapter lifetime/concurrency/thread-safety
- XMLAdapter unmarshal sequence to Map
- XmlAdapter will not be marshaled recursively
- XmlAnyElement, forcing ##any namespace
- XmlBeans/JIBX
- XmlElementRef points to a non-existent class
- XmlElementWrapper minoccurs=0
- xmlElementWrapper plugin
- XMLEncoder and complexType elements
- XmlInlineBinaryData example?
- XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotation at package level
- XmlJavaTypeAdapter at the class level?
- XmlJavaTypeAdapter help
- XmlJavaTypeAdapter issue
- xmlns attribute added to the root element after marshalling
- xmlns:ns2 and friends
- xmlns="" in direct child element.
- XmlRootElement annotation not added on base class
- xmlRootElement issue
- XmlRootElement to influence tag-name? Or how to get rid of <AbstractClasss xmlns:xsi="..." xsi:type="DocumentType">
- XmlType.propOrder
- XPath and External Binding Declarations.
- XPath expressions in external binding declarations
- Xpath with jaxb to parse DOM attribute
- xs:anyURI and java.net.URL
- xs:choice and external binding annotations not working
- xs:dateTime and Daylight Savings Offsets
- xs:dateTime Encoded Format
- xs:ID constructor issue
- xs:int and getter return types
- xs:restriction / xs:enumeration without Enumeration ?
- XSComplexType
- XSD / JAXB / Database / Schema / Persistance???
- XSD annotation/documentation to Javadoc request
- xsd bindings regex
- XSD Data types
- XSD import support
- XSd key's and keyref's
- xsd sequence
- XSD simplification for CRUD?
- XSD to Java Classes - _at_XmlTransient.
- xsd to java number conversions
- XSD uses external class, that defined in third party libraries
- xsd:any unmarshalled to DOM
- xsd:base64Binary type being incorrectly mapped to byte[] instead of DataHandler
- xsd:choice and jaxb generated code
- xsd:choice and jaxb2-reflection
- xsd:date and default binding
- xsd:date with finer resolution
- xsd:element and xsd:attribute with same name
- xsd:redefine ignored in binding ?
- xsd:union serializable issue
- xsd:unsignedLong maps to BigInteger or long
- xsdlib in maven repository
- xsi:nil
- xsi:nil problem on repeated marshalling-unmarshalling operations
- xsi:type
- xsom usage question
- Your Eclipse Plugin link is broken on the main page
- Your removal from the JAXB-INTEREST list
- Your Report (Review ID: 227897) - NullPointerException runnin g xjc version 1.0.2
- Your request to sign off the JAXB-INTEREST list
- zzzzzzzWhat?zzzzzzzzzz
- ģģ²ķ ģķ ģ ė¶ģ¬ė°ģ§ ėŖ»ķģµėė¤.
- Last message date: Wed May 10 17:51:49 2017
- Archived on: Thu Sep 21 15:16:09 2017 PDT