Okay, now I'm trying to do this... Again, a little simplified for the
<xsd:element name="parent">
<xsd:element ref="child" minOccurs="1"
<jaxb:property collectionType ="CustomChildList"/>
All works well, except that JAXB is checking for the existence of
CustomChildList when generating code. Therefore, when I try to rebuild
from a clean slate, and generate the bean code before compiling. I get
an exception that CustomChildList doesn't exist (becuase nothing has
been compiled yet). (It's a NoClassDefFoundError in
com.sun.tools.xjc.reader.xmlschema.bindinfo.parser -- line 43).
This sets up a circular dependency -- I can't generate the code because
the class hasn't been compiled, and I can't compile the class because it
depends on the bean code being generated.
Clearly, I'm missing something. How do I get around this?