Re: InterleaveExp object growth

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 13:30:26 -0800

Kesavan T.S wrote:
> Hi Kohsuke,
>>>From limited testing this what we have seen so far:
> 1) if setValidating is set to true see lot of InterLeaveExp objects and the
> unmarshall time takes between 2 milliseconds and 70 seconds. The verbose GC
> allocation failure is frequent
> 2) if setValidating is set to false the time taken consistently is less than
> 5 ms but max we have seen is 213 milliseconds. verbose GC looks lot better
> fewer allocation failures

Thank you for the update. It seems like the problem is in a validation
engine, then. I guess if a full GC happens during an unmarshalling,
213ms seems like a reasonable number to expect.

But 70 sec...

In 2.0, we'll be replacing the validation engine to JAXP, so hopefully
it will behave better.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems