Re: Error using StAX API with JAXB 2.0

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 07:27:01 -0800

Kirill Grouchnikov wrote:
> Hi, Brian,
> The default implementation of XMLInputFactory, the
> class MXParserFactory is located in jsr173_1.0_ri.jar
> which is a part of reference implementation from
> You will have to add this jar to your application.
> Alternatively, you may use WebLogic implementation
> from
> Before calling XMLInputFactory.newInstance(), call
> System.setProperty("",
> "weblogic.xml.stax.XMLStreamInputFactory");
> The last (actually should be the first) : JAXB 2.0
> comes bundled with implementation of XMLInputFactory.
> The implementation is in sjsxp.jar. As before, you
> will need to call
> System.setProperty("",
> "");

StAX follows the well-known service provider look-up mechanism, so you
don't have to set a system property --- you just need to drop a jar in a

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems