Re: Help about "[ERROR] XPath error: null"

From: Wolfgang Laun <>
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2011 10:11:42 +0200

If you have a handwritten class X containing methods, they can't very well
be methods of a generated class Y that use any member from Y.

There's no limit for the number of methods. Any amount of code can be in an


On 1 June 2011 10:05, Nicolas VINOT <> wrote:

> On Wed, 1 Jun 2011 09:57:15 +0200, Wolfgang Laun <>
> wrote:
> > The XML Schema element <xsd:extension base="..."> is one way of creating
> a
> > subclass from a superclass. See
> >
> >
> > Adding some "extends X" to a generated class where X has not been
> generatod
> > is not a good idea.
> In my idea, X is not generated but contain my custom code (there is too
> many methods to do this with xsd inclusion) and generated class inherit
> from it.
> --
> Nicolas VINNOT