Re: Help about "[ERROR] XPath error: null"

From: Nicolas VINOT <>
Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2011 10:45:57 +0200

On Wed, 1 Jun 2011 10:11:42 +0200, Wolfgang Laun <>
> If you have a handwritten class X containing methods, they can't very
> be methods of a generated class Y that use any member from Y.

In my case, I use only few Y methods, so X abstract those methods and I
can use Y methods indirecly.

// handwritten
abstract X {
    abstract Foo getFoo();

    void doCustom() {

// generated
Y extends X {
    Foo getFoo();

> There's no limit for the number of methods. Any amount of code can be in
> insertion.

The limit is not a software limit but a developper limit =)
I prefer dev those methods on a real class to use IDE functions (error
detection, completion, unit tests…) instead of bloated blob on XSD.

Nicolas VINOT