Using xjc:simple and xjc:treatRestrictionLikeNewType together?

From: VanIngen, Erik (FIPS) <"VanIngen,>
Date: Tue, 09 Aug 2011 15:20:31 +0200

Dear Jaxb,

In my custom binding file I am trying to use simple and treatRestrictionLikeNewType together. I notice that that does not work. Is there a way to get them working together, being both effective?

This is one of my experiments:

      <jaxb:globalBindings xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:jaxb=""
            generateIsSetMethod="false" generateElementClass="true">

      <!-- targetNamespace=" -->
      <jaxb:bindings xmlns:xs=""
            schemaLocation="" node="/xs:schema">
                  <jaxb:package name="org.opensdmx.domain.v2_1.common" />

Kind Regards,