Re: Reducing number of Generated classes

From: Jochen Wiedmann <>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 21:50:26 +0200

George Datuashvili wrote:

> But you have to ask yourself why spec generates separate classes for
> element declarations, and what you are going to loose if your
> implementation doesn't.

There are, of course, good reasons to do so. The very best is, IMO,
that a global complex type may be used by several elements. In that
case inheritance is definitely the proper thing to do.

> I think JAXB spec calls for separate class per
> element declaration to disambiguate use of substitution groups. For
> example if you have

Substitution groups might be another issue, you are right. But, IMO,
the issues can be resolved by making the feature optional.


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