- [ANN] JAXB 1.0.2 now available in JWSDP 1.3
- [ANN] JAXB on the web
- Ant Task and Vendor Extensions
- AW: AW: Using JAXB Generated Classes as Beans
- AW: Using JAXB Generated Classes as Beans
- Benchmarks
- Content model versus Element Model
- globalBindings and org.w3 generated classes
- Java packages with relation to Nested schemas.
- marshalling problem
- oddity in creating and then marhsalling
- partial marshalling?
- Performance of signed and not compressed jar files?
- problem with code generated for derived types
- problem with SMIL2.0 schema
- Problems with running XJC for JAXB 1.0.2
- Processing Large XML Files
- redefine
- Reducing number of Generated classes
- Reflection and JAXB
- Root element with anyType
- Schema Parser
- Unexpected end of element - URGENT Please help.
- Union with date and dateTime
- Using JAXB Generated Classes as Beans
- XJC ERROR - Schema not part of compilation (using external binding file)
- XML namespace to Java package name
- xmlns="" in direct child element.
- Last message date: Mon Oct 27 08:16:41 2003
- Archived on: Thu Sep 21 15:16:09 2017 PDT