RE: XML namespace to Java package name

From: Gary Gregory <>
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2003 14:32:39 -0400

That's "Hello JAXB", I'm not cursing, promise :-P


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gary Gregory
> Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 11:08
> To: ''
> Subject: XML namespace to Java package name
> Hell JAXB,
> This is a 2 parter.
> (1) Somewhere deep in the guts of JAXB there must be code that converts an
> XML namespace string into a Java package name. Is this code accessible in
> the generated runtime? I do need to call such a conversion utility.
> Why? Read on. The following contains some details of our system but it
> makes it all easier to explain.
> (2) Our product comes with many pluggable "connectors" (akin to JCA
> connectors) and each connector comes in its own Jar file. When our server
> starts up we look in a "config/connector" dir and for each .cfg file we
> finds, we call JAXB to load that cfg. So far so good, thank you JAXB!
> For each connector, we have an XML Schema that describes its config file,
> and each schema is defined in a namespace. All connector schemas derive
> from a root connector schema which holds some common attributes. When we
> use JAXB to load a config file for a specific connector, we get an
> instance of a subclass of Connector, like FooConnector. Again, thank you
> Our current hack is to create a JAXB context with a path that includes
> *ALL possible* kinds of connector schemas that we know about in advance.
> This is a big problem for us now because we want to allow custom
> connectors to be loaded in, that is connectors that the server does not
> know about at compile time. Since a custom or new connector will have its
> own XML schema in its own namespace, our server cannot know that namespace
> in advance.
> Our first thought was to create yet another config file which would hold
> the JAXB path to use to load all connectors. A user would just add to this
> config file to load another kind of connector. Messy and too error prone.
> A quick look at our config files show that the XML default namespace for a
> config file tells us exactly what to put on the JAXB context path. So we
> simply use SAX for quick extraction of the default namespace, turn that
> into a Java package name (not implemented yet), and use that as the JAXB
> context to load that connector. We are not worried about performance at
> this point since (1) SAX is quite fast and we abort parsing when we get
> the NS and (2) this happens only during server init.
> All of this to ask: can we use a JAXB piece to convert the XML namespace
> into a Java package name as XJC and the runtime do.
> Thanks,
> Gary