partial marshalling?

From: <>
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2003 10:47:11 -0500

I've skimmed the archives a bit, but I'm not sure that any of it directly
addresses if/how you could/couldn't/should partially marshal. We
currently are building the whole wrapper object tree (fairly hierarchical
rather than flat) at once and then serializing it all at once. However,
we just found about some future input data set changes that might result
in the output tree being MUCH in perhaps bumping up against
the heap max. Given that my tree is just something like

. it possible to build the part of the tree for the 'A' branch,
marshal that, and then repeat the process with the next toplevel branch
(B), such my max memory requirements are (roughly) equal to the size of
the largest branch/chunk?

Corbett J. Klempay
512.874.5176 (W) | 512.750.1372 (C)