Personally, I'd put a call to the doclet in my ant build script, so that xjc
gets invoked, then the bean generator doclet gets invoked.
-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Sherman []
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 11:05 AM
Subject: RE: Using JAXB Generated Classes as Beans
On 10/29/03 11:56:26 -0700 Geis, Matt wrote:
> Another approach (which would require some custom code generation of your
> own, maybe using a doclet) would be to make a wrapper class. The
> constructor for the wrapper bean would use the ObjectFactory to create an
> instance of the JAXB class, and use it as a delegate. The wrapper bean
> would also implement the generated JAXB interface.
> You would have to write not only the constructor, but an implementation
> for each method in the interface. However, that's pretty easy, as it's
> just a passthrough to the JAXB implementation class you're using as a
> delegate.
This is a good approach, I like it.
Where, however, would your doclet tags reside? None of the classes exist
before xjc generation.
Adam Sherman
Tritus CG Inc
+1 (613) 797-6819
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