globalBindings and org.w3 generated classes

From: Greg T Robertson <>
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 09:05:10 -0500

I have two separate issues in working with JAXB. I am using JAXB 1.0.2
from JWSDP 1.3.

Issue #1) If I add the following to my bindings file (used by XJC) it
appears to be ignored
      <xjc:serializable />
      <jaxb:javaType name="java.util.Calendar"

but if I place the same in the first XSD file that the bindings file points
to (of course using an annotation with appinfo), the classes are generated
properly (e.g. implementing and using custom methods
for any of the XML types that are of type DateTimeAny). Is there any
reason why this would not work from the bindings file?

Issue #2) JAXB generation is creating classes in a package called
org.w3._2001.xmlschema (and org.w3._2001.xmlschema.impl). I have tried to
custom map this to my package names to no avail. Due to enterprise coding
standards I am required to have any classes I use be in my assigned URI.
Is there anyway to map the org.w3 classes to a different package?


Greg T. Robertson

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