Re: Problems with running XJC for JAXB 1.0.2

From: Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East <Ryan.Shoemaker_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 10:46:09 -0500

Mark Brouwer wrote:

> I just upgraded my JAXB 1.0.1 environment to JAXB 1.0.2 and my build
> scripts refuse to work. Running in the Ant verbose mode I get output
> like provided below. It states an error message should be provided,
> while it is not. I'm really wondering whether somebody got the XJC Ant
> task (or command line version) working with this new version. (The -nv
> option had no effect, but this schema compiled fine for a very long time
> with all the previous versions of XJC).

We have a version of the cheiron schema in our unit test framework that
gets compiled and run every night. I just tried the version we have
with both the command-line version of xjc and the ant task and had no
problems. Here's the output from both runs.

Command line XJC run:

> LORAX [18] =>xjc buzz-config.xsd -p test.cheiron -d gen -b ext.jaxb
> parsing a schema...
> compiling a schema...
> test\cheiron\impl\
> test\cheiron\impl\
> etc...

And here's the XJCTask run:

> LORAX [26] =>ant -Djaxb.home=$JAXB_HOME
> Buildfile: build.xml
> compile:
> [echo] Compiling the schema...
> [xjc] Consider using <depends>/<produces> so that XJC won't do unnecessary compilation
> [xjc] Compiling file:/D:/files/jaxb/ws/deleteme/cheiron/buzz-config.xsd
> [xjc] Writing output to D:\files\jaxb\ws\deleteme\cheiron\gen
> Total time: 9 seconds

If you want, feel free to submit your latest schemas/bindings and
we can give them a spinm and update our unit-tests.



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