Re: Unmarshalling List/Array as root element

From: Wolfgang Laun <>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 20:02:24 +0200

There's no simpler way than writing this class with a single List<
PhonePreorder>. It's XML that defines that a document is a single element.
There are some ways for simplifying wrapped lists within a document, but you
need a root for the list even so.

On 22 September 2010 19:14, Jarnis Bertelsen - TELMORE <>wrote:

> Hey Guys
> I'm fairly new to JAXB and I'll apologize in advance if my question is very
> trivial, or my terminology is a bit off. Here goes:
> I'm unmarshalling a list of custom Java objects from a web service. The XML
> I receive is in this format:
> <phonePreorders>
> <phonePreorder>
> <emailAddress>
> <phoneNumber>55556666</phoneNumber>
> <preOrderCompleteDate>2010-21-22T06:09:29CEST</preOrderCompleteDate>
> </phonePreorder>
> <phonePreorder>
> <emailAddress>
> </emailAddress>
> <phoneNumber>77778888</phoneNumber>
> <preOrderCompleteDate>2010-21-22T06:09:29CEST</preOrderCompleteDate>
> </phonePreorder>
> </phonePreorders>
> (there are actually a few more attributes to each phonePreorder, but this
> has no relevance to the question)
> Each phonePreorder is generated from a @XmlRootElement annotated Java
> class. Unmarshalling a single phonePreorder using JAXB is not a problem. I'm
> having problems with the list however. I would prefer not to introduce a new
> Java class holding the list of phonePreorders, as there is really no need
> that a simple array or an ArrayList (or other Collection class for that
> matter) can't take care of.
> The client code looks like this:
> JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(PhonePreorder[].class,
> PhonePreorder.class);
> Unmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller();
> Object temp = unmarshaller.unmarshal(connection.getInputStream());
> result = (PhonePreorder[])
> unmarshaller.unmarshal(connection.getInputStream());
> which results in a JAXBException with this message: unexpected element
> (uri:"", local:"phonePreorders"). Expected elements are <{}phonePreorder>
> Is there a way to tell JAXB to unmarshall phonePreorders to an existing
> collection class, without creating new annotated class to explain this?
> Thanks in advance
> Jarnis Bertelsen
> Developer
> PS. The webservice was developed inhouse using Enunciate. While it IS
> possible for me to modify the webservice, I'd prefer not to, as it is
> already in use.