regarding UndeclaredThrowableException and Issue 721

From: Anders Hessellund <>
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2010 19:26:52 +0200


I've started getting an annoying UndeclaredThrowableException when Ant
builds my JAXB classes. I can't figure out what causes the exception
in my schema and after googling a little I found this discussion:

It seems the solution is simply to copy two jaxb jars into the
endorsedDirs folder as described here

However, my question is. Has anything been done to provide a nicer
solution to this problem? And if not, does anyone here have an idea of
how I can ensure that everyone in a big distributed development
environment automatically receives this change? Usually, everything
works simply with a large Ant script but I'm a bit worried about
messing up peoples endorsedDirs-settings.

