Unmarshalling List/Array as root element

From: Jarnis Bertelsen - TELMORE <>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 19:14:39 +0200

Hey Guys


I'm fairly new to JAXB and I'll apologize in advance if my question is
very trivial, or my terminology is a bit off. Here goes:

I'm unmarshalling a list of custom Java objects from a web service. The
XML I receive is in this format:









<emailAddress> </emailAddress>





(there are actually a few more attributes to each phonePreorder, but
this has no relevance to the question)


Each phonePreorder is generated from a @XmlRootElement annotated Java
class. Unmarshalling a single phonePreorder using JAXB is not a problem.
I'm having problems with the list however. I would prefer not to
introduce a new Java class holding the list of phonePreorders, as there
is really no need that a simple array or an ArrayList (or other
Collection class for that matter) can't take care of.


The client code looks like this:

JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(PhonePreorder[].class,

Unmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller();

Object temp = unmarshaller.unmarshal(connection.getInputStream());

result = (PhonePreorder[])


which results in a JAXBException with this message: unexpected element
(uri:"", local:"phonePreorders"). Expected elements are


Is there a way to tell JAXB to unmarshall phonePreorders to an existing
collection class, without creating new annotated class to explain this?


Thanks in advance

Jarnis Bertelsen




PS. The webservice was developed inhouse using Enunciate. While it IS
possible for me to modify the webservice, I'd prefer not to, as it is
already in use.