Re: other vendors was: and bgm.ser files in a jar

From: Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East <>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 15:59:12 -0400

Eric Ma wrote:
> Ryan:
> Couple of quick questions:
> 1. Does Sun encourage ecommercial vendors to develop competing implementations to its own RI?

I'm not in any position to say one way or the other whether Sun encourages competing
implementation or not. I have my own opinions, but AFAIK, there is no corporate Sun
policy on this. In most cases, it is assumed that companies (and groups/individuals)
participating in the JSR will be working on their own implementations of the spec.
Some of these implementation may be publicly available as commercial products, some
may be used privately within those organizations. When I worked on JMS, we had a
large number of competing vendors that all contributed to the development of the
standard while competing with each other in performance and value-add features like
reliability and scalability.

> And how does Sun market the API to vendors like BEA who has its own technology called XMLBeans?

I'm not sure I understand the question. Are you asking if we actively try to get
vendors to adopt the standard? These kinds of questions are a little out of my league -
I'm just a lowly developer on the RI ;8-)

> 2. When will RI 1.1 come out? I can't wait to replace the "ns1" namespace prefix in a marshalled
> XML document with my own namespace.

We're working on JAXB 1.0.1 which will be available "soon". I'm afraid we (Sun) won't
commit to a specific date publicly. I think Kohsuke has published a workaround for the
namespace prefix issue - try searching the archives....



> Thanks,
> Eric