Re: other vendors was: and bgm.ser files in a jar

From: Eric Ma <>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 15:01:57 -0400


Couple of quick questions:

1. Does Sun encourage ecommercial vendors to develop competing implementations to its own RI? And how does Sun market the API to vendors like BEA who has its own technology called XMLBeans?

2. When will RI 1.1 come out? I can't wait to replace the "ns1" namespace prefix in a marshalled XML document with my own namespace.



                      Ryan Shoemaker -
                      JavaSoft East To: JAXB-INTEREST_at_JAVA.SUN.COM
                      <Ryan.Shoemaker_at_S cc:
                      un.COM> Subject: Re: other vendors was: and bgm.ser files in a jar
                      Sent by:
                      Discussion list
                      for the Java
                      Architecture for
                      XML Binding

                      04/15/03 02:39 PM
                      Please respond to
                      Discussion list
                      for the Java
                      Architecture for
                      XML Binding

Dennis Sosnoski wrote:
> In some respects JiBX is actually closer to the original JAXB EA code that was abandoned by Sun.

Hi Dennis,

Thanks for your summary of the databinding landscape - I hope people on the list
find it useful. I just have one nit to pick with you on the above statement (I
hope you don't think I'm attacking you - consider this a friendly correction ;8-)
It isn't accurate to say that Sun "abandoned" the architecture of JAXB EA. The
JSR-31 expert group had specific issues with the EA architecture that Sun had
to address. I don't want people to get the impression that the current JAXB
specification is 100% Sun - it was developed in the JCP by a group of companies
& contributors (listed in the acks section of the spec).

Thanks again,


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