Re: other vendors was: and bgm.ser files in a jar

From: Dennis Sosnoski <>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 11:55:37 -0700

Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East wrote:

> Dennis Sosnoski wrote:
> > In some respects JiBX is actually closer to the original JAXB EA
> code that was abandoned by Sun.
> >
> I just have one nit to pick with you on the above statement (I
> hope you don't think I'm attacking you - consider this a friendly
> correction ;8-)
> It isn't accurate to say that Sun "abandoned" the architecture of JAXB EA.

I feel "abandoned" is accurate in that the EA code was replaced with
code that used an entirely different internal architecture and
incompatible API. I don't mean to imply that this was done arbitrarily,
and I understand many of the reasons for going this way. I also
understand that the decisions were made by the expert group and not by
Sun alone. But the fact remains that many developers who started off
using the JAXB EA on the assumption that the final version would be
somewhat compatible have found that this was not the case.

I'd personally asked Sun representatives at JavaOne last year (where the
full extent of the JAXB restructuring was announced) if they'd consider
open sourcing the JAXB EA code for unsupported use by developers who
wanted to go in that direction. I did not receive any reply. I don't
know if this idea was ever discussed internally to the expert group.

  - Dennis