Re: other vendors was: and bgm.ser files in a jar

From: Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East <>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 14:39:35 -0400

Dennis Sosnoski wrote:
> In some respects JiBX is actually closer to the original JAXB EA code that was abandoned by Sun.

Hi Dennis,

Thanks for your summary of the databinding landscape - I hope people on the list
find it useful. I just have one nit to pick with you on the above statement (I
hope you don't think I'm attacking you - consider this a friendly correction ;8-)
It isn't accurate to say that Sun "abandoned" the architecture of JAXB EA. The
JSR-31 expert group had specific issues with the EA architecture that Sun had
to address. I don't want people to get the impression that the current JAXB
specification is 100% Sun - it was developed in the JCP by a group of companies
& contributors (listed in the acks section of the spec).

Thanks again,
