Re: other vendors was: and bgm.ser files in a jar

From: Dennis Sosnoski <>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 10:25:07 -0700

JiBX is a fundamentally different approach to data binding from JAXB,
right down to the parser level (JiBX is based on using a pull parser,
while JAXB requires push parser - i.e., SAX - support). In some respects
JiBX is actually closer to the original JAXB EA code that was abandoned
by Sun. With enough effort it'd be possible to create a wrapper around
JiBX that implemented the JAXB API, but there'd be very little point in
this. The different approach is the whole reason for JiBX's existence.

As for JAXP, I personally think it creates more problems than it solves
when used for parsers. The JAXP assumption that any parser will do leads
to a wide variety of problems, especially since it's been shipped as a
part of the J2SE distribution - this is a continuing source of problems
with many XML applications that require specific parser features and
break if they're not present (or buggy). JAXP is great for working with
XSLT, and acceptable for working with DOM, but stay away from it for
parsers unless you're only doing very basic parsing.

  - Dennis

Eric Ma wrote:

>Thank you for the reply. Options in implementation are good, but I prefer to code against a single set of interfaces. I like JAXP because it unifies different parsers, and I hope JAXB can achieve the same goal WRT XML data binding. Now let me ask a dumb question: what does it take to turn JiBX into a JAXB compliant implementation?