Re: Jaxb, problems without solutions ?

From: Malachi de Ælfweald <>
Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2008 07:35:00 -0700

Here's an example of what I do for versioning (I realize it may not work for

1. I have the version in the xsd name so they can live side-by-side
2. targetNamespace contains the version ("")
3. jaxb:package binding includes the version ("org.eoti.spec.mimirdb.v1")
4. If I need to convert between two versions of a spec, you can load both
and do it


On Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 2:47 AM, johann Sorel <> wrote:

> Hello
> I have several problems with no answer. If anyone have a trick to handle
> thoses it would be nice.
> 1- XML Specification version ---------------------------------
> I need to output my objects in 2 different xml specification version, here
> is an exemple :
> OGC Style Layer Descripter v1.0
> <StyledLayerDescriptor version="1.0" ...>
> <Name>SLD Name</Name>
> <Title>SLD Title</Title>
> <Abstract>SLD Abstract</Abstract>
> ...
> </StyledLayerDescriptor>
> OGC Style Layer Descripter v1.1.0
> <StyledLayerDescriptor version="1.1.0" ...>
> <se:Name>SLD Name</se:Name>
> <se:Description>
> <se:Title>SLD Title</se:Title>
> <se:Abstract>SLD Abstract</se:Abstract>
> </se:Description>
> ...
> </StyledLayerDescriptor>
> You can see that in thoses 2 version some elements namespaces have changed.
> Since the namespace is hard coded in the annotation I'm stuck.
> I dont want to duplicate everything for several reasons (it's stupid, it's
> double the jar size, it's raise enourmusly the maintenance time, it bring
> nothing more and users get lost in the code)
> Anyone have a solution ?
> 2- Having XmlElement or XmlValue -------------------------------
> It is common to see in xml a plain text value or sub elements, here is an
> exemple :
> <se:AnchorPointX>456</se:AnchorPointX>
> or
> <se:AnchorPointX><ogc:literal>456</ogc:literal></se:AnchorPointX>
> (There are many other possibilities in my case but the annoying one is the
> plain xml value)
> Seens JaxB doesnt allow to have @XmlValue And @XmlElement at the same time
> in a class I'm stuck.
> Is there a trick to handle this ?
> 3- Using XML attribut for binding ------------------------------
> In some cases I have a list of elements with a special identification
> attribut.
> <Stroke>
> <SvgParameter name="stroke">#0000ff</SvgParameter>
> <SvgParameter name="stroke-width">2</SvgParameter>
> </Stroke>
> I would like to bind a svgparameter with a given name on a object field,
> something like this :
> @XmlElement(name = "SvgParameter", attribut="name",
> attributValue="stroke-width" )
> @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(ExpressionAdapter.class)
> private final Expression width;
> Unfortunatly this doesnt exist. any trick here ?
> Regards
> Johann Sorel
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