Re: Can jaxb inject references objects?

From: Wolfgang Laun <>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2013 07:10:56 +0100

See @XmlID and @XmlIDREF:

    public String getId(){ ... }

    public Album getAlbumid(){ ... }


On 18/02/2013, <> wrote:
> I have a question and I'm not even sure how to ask it so here is an
> example.
> Suppose I have an xml document structure like this:
> <Album id="123abc".../>
> <Pictures>
> <Picture id="xzy098" albumId="123abc" .... />
> </Pictures>
> When JAXB is parsing through this document, is there any way to
> configure the annotations on my object so JAXB can inject an instance
> of Album into an instance of Picture by matching the albumId value to
> the id value on <Album>
> thanks!