JAXB & SGML & JAXB Release

From: Khalil Yarak <>
Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 10:26:59 +1000

Hi all,

I am about start a project for a customer that will be using JAXB. I
wanted to know when the next release of JAXB will occur as there are a
number of bugs posted on the mailing list that will be fixed in the next

Also, in this project we receive messages in SGML (to be more specific
these are OFX - Open Financial Exchange messages as per a SGML DTD) that
I would like to convert to XML so that I can parse them through JAXB and
so get the Java object representations. I am planning to convert the
SGML DTD to a schema where constraints can be added and then run that
through JAXB.

I wanted to know from you guys if you have any suggestions with regards
to using JAXB in this case or if there is a better way.

Thanks in advance.