RE: JAXB compilation plugin

From: Jonathan Johnson <>
Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 23:17:43 -0500

Instead of the current, problematic PatternFilenameFilter we can just use

to handle the ** patterns and searching

expecially since there is already a depedency on


This pattern matching will be used for

String[] includeSchemas
String[] excludeSchemas
String[] includeBindings
String[] excludeBindings

(note to self, duh!)

    So, a couple questions:
    1) Feasibilty of modifying XJC to allow a -bd (bindingDirectory) that
would do a recursive subdirectory search just like it does for XSDs

    [jon] Yes - this needs to be added.

    2) Changing the MOJO to iterate through subdirectories and compare all
files in subdirectories to the specified pattern (which I assume would
default to '**/*[\.][xX][sS][dD]' and '**/*[\.][xX][jJ][bB]' respectively...

    [jon] Yes - this needs to be added. Was hoping to find some 3rd party
utility to do this. oro GlobFilenameFilter was just a stop gap.

  #1 might eliminate the need for #2... but... the idea of excluding
**/eld/** or including **/v2/** is hard to ignore...

    3) easiest way for the user to specify multiple ignore options... like
"**/eld/**" to ignore subdirectories or simply "oldSchema.xsd"
    [jon] Yes - the binding and schema should both have include and exclude
regular expressions. All four would assume 'schemaDirectory' as the root.

    For #3, it seems like the easiest solution would be for the @parameter
to be a String[] or ArrayList<String> then compile them internally.

    Also, in my case, the configuration is in the top-level pom.xml and my
submodules (via reactor) don't actually specify anything. I think the
default behavior is that it is going to rebuild the Pattern for each
submodule. I don't see any realistic way to avoid that.