Re: Introspection and type in JAXB 2

From: Malachi de Ælfweald <>
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 07:52:37 -0800

I was taking a look at my generated classes to see what you were saying. I
noticed that the autogenerated javadoc showed the same behavior you are

What about combining the QName provided in the ObjectFactory in the same
package with the "name" portion of the XmlType?

I was going to suggest -Xlocator, but it seems that it produces illegal
files -- here's some of the errors (at runtime only):

   - com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.IllegalAnnotationsException
   - Property locator is present but not specified in @XmlType.propOrder
   - org.xml.sax.Locator does not have a no-arg default constructor
   - If a class has @XmlElement property, it cannot have @XmlValue
   - etc


On 2/28/06, Lucas Jordan <> wrote:
> I see in the generated code for an xsd:element type information is stored
> in
> the class as an annotation:
> @XmlType(name = "EdVisitType", propOrder = {
> "visitId",
> "hospitalId",
> ...
> "homeAddress"
> })
> I also see that for the fields within my EdVisitType we have annotations
> like:
> @XmlElement(name = "HomeAddress", namespace =
> "")
> protected AddressType homeAddress;
> This annotation differs a bit from the first since it specifies a
> namespace.
> My question is this:
> Given a Class is it possible through introspection to determine full URN
> that describes the type of that class? I see in the generated javadocs
> there
> is a line:
> &lt;extension
> base="{}IncidentType">
> Should this be included as an annotation?
> Thanks for any help!
> -Lucas
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