Introspection and type in JAXB 2

From: Lucas Jordan <>
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 10:35:25 -0500

I see in the generated code for an xsd:element type information is stored in
the class as an annotation:

@XmlType(name = "EdVisitType", propOrder = {

I also see that for the fields within my EdVisitType we have annotations

@XmlElement(name = "HomeAddress", namespace =
    protected AddressType homeAddress;

This annotation differs a bit from the first since it specifies a namespace.
My question is this:

Given a Class is it possible through introspection to determine full URN
that describes the type of that class? I see in the generated javadocs there
is a line:


Should this be included as an annotation?

Thanks for any help!