Re: [ANN] JAXB on the web

From: Petra Malik <>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 16:33:31 +1200

Hi Kohsuke,

Jaxb on the Web is meanswhile a bit old (Build: 08/01/2003).
If the bug mentioned below is fixed I would really like to try a new
version of the compiler.

Best regards,

Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:

>>I tried to use jaxb on the web (using the extension switch),
>>but I get the following error message (using the attached xsd):
>>ERROR] delegation to the type "java.lang.Object" is specified but the type is not an interface.
>> line 26 of Z.xsd
>>What does this mean?
>This must be a bug related to the type substitution support. Thank you
>for finding it for us. I'll see if I can fix the problem.

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