Re: xjc plugin problem

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 13:23:39 +0200


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> I am now writing a xjc plugin adding a property named "id" to the java
> file gennerated.
> here is the fragment of java files gennerated with my plugin
> ..........................................
> private long id;
> public long getId() {
> return id;
> }
> private void setId(long id) {
> id = id;
> }
> ..........................................
> but my expected code is
> ..........................................
> private long id;
> public long getId() {
> return;
> }
> private void setId(long id) {
> = id;
> }
> ..........................................
> how can I get code expected?? Thanks.
> here is the fragment of my plugin:
> ....................................
> @Override
> public boolean run(Outline outline, Options opt, ErrorHandler
> errorHandler)
> throws SAXException {
> for (ClassOutline co : outline.getClasses()) {
> JCodeModel codeModel = new JCodeModel();
> JDefinedClass definedClass = co.implClass;
> definedClass.annotate(Entity.class);
> JFieldVar idFieldVar = definedClass.field(JMod.PRIVATE,
> codeModel.LONG,"id");
> JMethod getMethod = definedClass.method(JMod.PUBLIC,
> codeModel.LONG,"getId");
> JBlock getMethodblock =getMethod.body();
> getMethodblock._return(idFieldVar);
> JMethod setMethod = definedClass.method(JMod.PRIVATE,
> codeModel.VOID,"setId");
> JVar var =setMethod.param(codeModel.LONG, "id");
> JBlock setMethodblock =setMethod.body();
> }

Something like:

    public void postProcessModel(Model model, ErrorHandler errorHandler) {

        for (final CClassInfo classInfo : model.beans().values()) {
        classInfo.addProperty(new CAttributePropertyInfo(
                "id", null, CCustomizations.EMPTY, null, "id",
                CBuiltinLeafInfo.LONG, false));
