Adding javadoc to methods

From: Hank Ratzesberger <>
Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2003 12:10:50 -0700

Is there an example of adding javadoc to the methods
created from, for example, a complex type with a
sequence of elements (for which get/set methods are

The specification (6.11.1) says that there are package, class,
method and field sections, but the external binding example only
demonstrates the <class> section. When I use <jxb:method>
in an external bindings file in a way similar to <jxb:class>,
I get the error message that
"jxb:method" is not allowed. Possible tag names are: <class>,<dom>....

I would like to place Xdoclet attributes in the interface files
so that I can create ejbs from them.

Thank you as always,

Replying to a list? I'll get my copy there!

Hank Ratzesberger |
Institute for Crustal Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara