- 1.0.1 generated code does not compile (extends generated.Foo)
- [Fwd: Your Report: xsd using substitution groups causes marsh aller to hang]
- [Fwd: Your Report: xsd using substitution groups causes marshaller to hang]
- Adding javadoc to methods
- address in WSDL
- ANN: listserv maintenance
- ant XJCTask: How to set the working directory (basedir)?
- Better xs:duration support?
- Bindings documentation
- Can only obtain child elements of three (3) types
- CAXB recommendation?
- Classes for complex types
- Cleanup generated Javadoc comments do avoid warnings
- com.sun.xml.bind.util.ListImpl
- Creating custom inheritance
- Creating XML files from relational data
- Default attribute values on derived complex type (JAXB v.1.0. 1)
- Default attribute values on derived complex type (JAXB v.1.0.1)
- Default attribute values on derived complex type (JAXB v.1.0.1))
- derived attribute not accepted when validating
- Did jaxb-ri.jar disappear in JWSDP 1.2 ?
- Exception in creating XML file
- Exception using SaxParser
- Excluding <?xml... line from marshalled element
- Extending JAXB classes using implClass customization - IncompatibleClassChangeError
- generated classes not generating necessary method
- Generated code compiler warnings
- generateIsSetMethod
- generating schemas from Java classes?
- getting rid of ^M characters in XJC generated .java files
- how do I generate the JAXB Model to edit/add/remove XML comments in the XML Content
- How reliable is Schema Validation?
- How to make enumeration class serializable
- Howto avoid 'a required object is missing' exception
- inclusion of xml comments in marshalled files?
- indexed collections
- Installation problems with JWSDP 1.2
- Interfaces generation for Element containing embedded definition of complexType
- Jar files
- Javadoc on "get" methods
- Javadoc's
- JAXB conversion of wildcard to DOM (<xjc:dom />) stripping ou t na mespace attributes
- JAXB conversion of wildcard to DOM (<xjc:dom />) stripping ou t namespace attributes
- JAXB conversion of wildcard to DOM (<xjc:dom />) stripping out na mespace attributes
- jaxb error codes
- JAXB framework jar files required at runtime
- JAXB metainformation
- Licensing issues
- marshaling without validation (for debugging)
- Missing setter for collection
- Namespaces in marshalled Node
- Need a schema representation of a multivalue attribute for JAXB
- Nested anonymous complex types
- Online Chat, July 15, On Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.2
- possible to get wildcard content not registered w/JAXBContext?
- problems with generated xml documents
- Problems with Runtime Classses.
- Regarding Bug 4800069
- Specifying Interfaces that generated classes extend/implement
- Substitution groups
- Synchronized Methods Extension
- test
- Unexpected attribute "guid" ...
- unmarshaling to extender MyClass
- Use of <appinfo> with JAXB
- validating a minOccurs="0" does not seem to work
- validation event messages & element names
- What produces the error : ' "value" is used as an ID value more than once.' ?
- where to get package for com.sun.xml.bind.*
- Working with multiple vendor files - How To
- WSDP 1.2 and xsd:import
- XJC Ant task
- xjc:serializable in external binding file
- XML element polymorphism??
- xs:dateTime and Daylight Savings Offsets
- Last message date: Thu Jul 10 10:53:45 2003
- Archived on: Thu Sep 21 15:16:09 2017 PDT