- (no subject)
- [ANN] JAXB on the web
- [ANN] Migration to java.net - Phase 1
- [INFO] Digest subscription instructions
- AbortSerializationException: a required object is missing
- Adding JAXB Jar files to a public CVS server
- AW: AW: Questions on typesafe enum classes
- AW: Questions on typesafe enum classes
- Bug: Marshal output is incorrect when using derived types.
- Castor vs JAXB
- Choices with unbounded maxOccurs
- Compiling JAXB Samples
- Compiling XML (SVG Fragments)
- Compiling XML (SVG Fragments) and Relax NG
- Custom Marshalling
- define all namespaces in the root tag
- do not marshall standalone="yes"
- Doubles and Integers
- Followup: Location of validation Errors
- Fwd: xsd:union serializable issue
- Help!! Elements & types
- If you are using JAXB...
- impClass Insantiation
- Inheritance by xsd:extension used in implClass Classes
- Iterating Through Content Tree
- JAXB on the web is Unable to parse included schema
- jaxb source code?
- JAXBContext and Mac OSX
- Location of validation Errors
- Marshal output is incorrect when using derived types.
- marshalling empty element
- marshlling problem
- Meaning of "traverse a graph of JavaBean objects" (JAXB 2.0)
- Multiple XSD one application
- Nested anonymous complex types
- Next release
- No more pings! WAS: ping!
- ping!
- pong
- Possible bug (infinite loop) - where to submit?
- possible JAXB bug with non-ASCII characters
- Problem compiling the generated classes
- Problem with Calendar/Date's
- question about UTF-8 characters
- Questions on typesafe enum classes
- Rebuilding problem
- Request clarification using regular expressions within simple types
- root element collision on the JAXBContext
- Scope of jaxb:extensionBindingPrefixes
- Setting one element into another element with the same type
- Some principal question
- source code
- Specified conversion customization is not used.
- Strange output for nillable elements at marshall time
- test 2
- Thanks for the ping
- Unmarshaller falls with a strange error
- Unmarshalling
- Unmarshalling via InputStream
- Updating an XML FIle
- URGENT: List not serializing correctly
- Using generated classes as JavaBeans
- Welcome to users_at_jaxb.dev.java.net
- When does a jaxb object implement the hava.xmk.bind.Element interface?
- When will the source be available??
- xjc superClass
- XSD annotation/documentation to Javadoc request
- xsd:union serializable issue
- xsi:type
- Your removal from the JAXB-INTEREST list
- zzzzzzzWhat?zzzzzzzzzz
- Last message date: Mon Aug 18 02:13:25 2003
- Archived on: Thu Sep 21 15:16:09 2017 PDT