Re: Castor vs JAXB

From: Dennis Sosnoski <>
Date: Fri, 01 Aug 2003 09:31:16 -0700

As others have said, JAXB doesn't support this. I'd suggest you take a
look at using JiBX ( as a possible alternative to
Castor, though, since it's much faster and also allows greater
flexibility in the mapping between XML and objects. The JiBX web site
now includes a section (
that walks through some examples of using the current Beta 2 binding
definitions. If you glance over the examples you should have a good idea
of what JiBX provides.

  - Dennis

Robert Glass wrote:

>I'm looking into converting my existing Java classes into xml. I was
>curious if anyone knows if JAXB will take existing java classes and be able
>to map them to xml.
>I also would like to know what are the pros and cons between using JAXB vs
>Castor ??