Re: Castor vs JAXB

From: Robert Lowe <>
Date: Fri, 01 Aug 2003 23:40:11 +0800

JAXB starts from the assumption that you want to generate your classes from
an XML schema. If you want to use existing classes then you're probably
better off with Castor.

- Rob

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Glass" <robert.c.glass_at_SAIC.COM>
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 11:21 PM
Subject: Castor vs JAXB

> I'm looking into converting my existing Java classes into xml. I was
> curious if anyone knows if JAXB will take existing java classes and be
> to map them to xml.
> I also would like to know what are the pros and cons between using JAXB vs
> Castor ??
> Thanks