>>>I jar everything up into an application jar it doesn't work again.
>>Are you trying to unjar our jars and re-jar them into your own jar?
>>If so, be careful about things sinde META-INF.
> I am not the original poster, but I am also in the position of 'unjaring'
> the jars and 're-jaring' them such that I can ship just the one jar.
> I have not taken any special care (!), I just unjarred and rejarred using
> the Ant jar task, but despite it working, I'm concerned to understand
> which things I need to be careful about!
It is more important to preserve the settings in META-INF/services than
the settings in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.
> The META-INF/services directory seems to be correct, but the manifests
> are not merged. Does this matter? I don't know what half the entries
> in the manifests refer to, and thus don't know whether they're important.
> Have you any advice on this (other than the class-path attribute)?
I don't think you can break things too seriously if you aren't preserving
or merging the MANIFEST.MF content, but it is probably a good idea. Check
out the JAR Specification[1] and Optional Package Versioning[2] doc for
details about all the settings in the manifest file. Most of it is benign
versioning info.
> Thanks
> Marcus
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