RE: Re: Specified conversion customization is not used.

From: <>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 10:31:58 +0530

The root node has 2 branches. One of the branches is present in the request path(//xs:complexType[@name='ROOTType']/xs:choice/xs:sequence[1]) and the other is present in the response path(//xs:complexType[@name='ROOTType']/xs:choice/xs:sequence[2]). Now, I want to do different code transformations based on whether the request is being handled or the response. What I am trying to do using the external bindings is to specify a transformation for Code_Type when it appears inside the request path and another transformation when it appears inside the response path. Is there any other way to achieve this?

-----Original Message-----
From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi [mailto:Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: Specified conversion customization is not used.

It seems to me that you might be misunderstanding how the XPath is
working. Your binding says you are adding two identical customizations
to the same node (namely, "Code_Type" simple type.)

And why you are specifying the following outer @node, when your inner
@node ignores this completely?

  <jxb:bindings node="//xs:complexType[@name='ROOTType']/xs:choice/xs:se

Since one of them is redundant, that's why you are getting "unused
conversion customization"

Try "-mode forest" compiler option to see how your external
customizations are internalized.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi                  408-276-7063 (x17063)
Sun Microsystems         
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