possible to get wildcard content not registered w/JAXBContext?

From: Geis, Matt <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 09:55:08 -0700


I'm wondering if anyone might have a solution to the problem I'm
encountering. I have an XSD that I've used to generate classes, and it
specifies that one of the elements can contain an arbitrary number of any

It's in the schema as follows...


        <any processContents="skip" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


At compile time, JAXB is treating the processContents attribute as "lax".

The problem is that I can't get the contents. It generates a "getAny()"
method, which returns null. Is there a way I can have it return the
contents as a string? I don't' want to define the actual type as String
(I'd prefer to avoid having an huge CDATA block in my instance documents).
I also don't want to generate JAXB classes for a whole different namespace
(the "namespace" attribute of the "any" element is therefore missing).

I'm guessing that I'm missing something in my understanding of XML Schema
and/or JAXB. The spec says that JAXB doesn't have to handle this kind of
content, but it seems that I should at least be able to see what's in the

Am I defining the schema correctly?

The actual use of this is that I will include a WSDL document here as a
sub-element of an element in my own schema. I know, it's not
architecturally pure, but that's how we're approaching it (this is for a
simple migration tool, and we want to keep the effort and footprint small).

I'm using JAXB 1.0. I noticed that 1.0.1 allows you to map a wildcard to a
DOM. However, if JAXB is currently returning a null list, I wouldn't be
surprised if it just returned a null DOM.

Is there any way I can get the information I'm looking for?

Thanks in advance,
