Re: Substitution groups

From: Sekhar Vajjhala <>
Date: Wed, 02 Jul 2003 07:00:38 -0400

Gary Gregory wrote:

> Hello,
> I read in the spec that substitution groups are not supported. Can you
> give a hint as to when we can expect support for this feature? It is
> quite an important feature that I think I'll have to find a
> hack/workaround for in our XSDs and document instances (xsi:type).
> Thanks,
> Gary

Sunbsitution groups and type substitution are different. (Search this
for an earlier post on the differences between the two).

Substitution groups is supported in the -extension mode in JAXB 1.0.1.
We are working on the type substitution (and it is high priority item).

Sekhar Vajjhala
Sun Microsystems