Interfaces generation for Element containing embedded definition of complexType

From: Manish Sethi <>
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 16:01:33 +0530


If an element is of complexType and the definition of complex type is
defined within that element e.g.

<element name="E">
           <element name="E1"/>
         <element name="E2"/>

JAXB-RI compiler generates following two interfaces

1) public interface EType
2) public interface E extends javax.xml.bind.Element,

I understand it may be useful in some cases. But In some cases (And I guess
in most of the cases) I would not like to have both interfaces. In a way it
will just increase the number of generated interfaces which looks cumbersome
and becomes unmanageable.

IMO there shd be a way in customization by which I can generate only one
interface for element (i.e. E) that is complete in it's own.

May be it's already there and I couldn't notice it. Any help/feedback wud be
