Re: Generated code compiler warnings

From: Gary Gregory <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 00:17:05 -0400

Gary Gregory wrote:

> Hello,
> It would be nice if the generated code could be clean up a bit. It would
> avoid so many compiler warnings I am now getting.

|Ahh, all you have to do is change the filter on your Eclipse "task" frame
|to hide warnings!

But then I would not see the warnings in /our/ code ;-)

Please feel free to add a comment here if you use eclipse:

|Seriously, thanks for the detailed report - we will try to address these,
|but they will be very low on the priority list....

I can imagine...



> (I might have brought this up before but we have been cleaning up our
> code and more warnings have been showing in JAXB generated code since we
> have turned on more warning types in eclipse.)
> For example, Eclipse reports the following.
> (I) In the generated "runtime":
> (1)
> Severity Description Resource In Folder
> Location Creation Time
> Superfluous semicolon
> Transidiom-DevE/Java/Source/com/seagullsw/toolbox/xml/jaxb/impl/runtime
> line 169 July 23, 2003 11:24:29 AM
> Which is:
> if( existingUri.length()==0 ) {
> // we have to remap the new namespace URI to a
> different
> // prefix because the current association of ""->""
> cannot
> // be changed
> ; <<<<<< Superfluous semicolon
> } else {
> (2)
> Severity Description Resource In Folder
> Location Creation Time
> Superfluous semicolon
> Transidiom-DevE/Java/Source/com/seagullsw/toolbox/xml/jaxb/impl/runtime
> line 86 July 23, 2003 11:24:29 AM
> Which is:
> /** Element name stack implemented as an array of (uri,local) pairs.
> private String[] elementStack = new String[16];; <<<<<< Superfluous
> semicolon
> (3)
> Severity Description Resource In Folder
> Location Creation Time
> Superfluous semicolon
> Transidiom-DevE/Java/Source/com/seagullsw/toolbox/xml/jaxb/impl/runtime
> line 81 July 23, 2003 11:24:29 AM
> Which is:
> private static class EventInterceptor implements
> ValidationEventHandler {
> <snip>
> }; <<<<<< Superfluous semicolon
> Also:
> Severity Description Resource In Folder
> Location Creation Time
> The private method _assert(boolean, String) from the type
> UnmarshallerImpl is never used locally
> Transidiom-DevE/Java/Source/com/seagullsw/toolbox/xml/jaxb/impl/runtime
> line 181 July 23, 2003 11:24:29 AM
> Severity Description Resource In Folder
> Location Creation Time
> Read access to enclosing field SAXMarshaller.writer is emulated
> by a synthetic accessor method. Increasing its visibility will improve
> your performance
> Transidiom-DevE/Java/Source/com/seagullsw/toolbox/xml/jaxb/impl/runtime
> line 134 July 23, 2003 11:24:29 AM
> Read access to enclosing field SAXMarshaller.writer is emulated
> by a synthetic accessor method. Increasing its visibility will improve
> your performance
> Transidiom-DevE/Java/Source/com/seagullsw/toolbox/xml/jaxb/impl/runtime
> line 139 July 23, 2003 11:24:29 AM
> (II) Other code
> The non-"runtime" code generated also contains plenty of warnings. The
> warnings fall in the following categories:
> (1) Unnecessary cast to type String for expression of type String
> Severity Description Resource In Folder
> Location Creation Time
> Unnecessary cast to type String for expression of type String
> Transidiom-DevE/Java/Source/com/seagullsw/toolbox/config/bind/impl
> line 143 July 23, 2003 11:24:31 AM
> For example:
> public void
> context)
> throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
> {
> int idx5 = 0;
> final int len5 = _Property.size();
> if (_Description!= null) {
> context.startElement("", "description");
> context.endNamespaceDecls();
> context.endAttributes();
> try {
> context.text(((java.lang.String) _Description));
> (2) The local variable len5 is never read
> Severity Description Resource In Folder
> Location Creation Time
> The local variable len5 is never read
> Transidiom-DevE/Java/Source/com/seagullsw/toolbox/config/bind/impl
> line 181 July 23, 2003 11:24:31 AM
> Severity Description Resource In Folder
> Location Creation Time
> Unnecessary cast to type float for expression of type float
> Transidiom-DevE/Java/Source/com/seagullsw/toolbox/config/bind/impl
> line 184 July 23, 2003 11:24:31 AM
> For example:
> public void
> context)
> throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
> {
> int idx5 = 0;
> final int len5 = _Property.size(); <<<<<<<
> context.startAttribute("", "version");
> try {
> context.text(javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.printFloat(((float)
> VERSION))); <<<<<<<
> (3) Read access to enclosing field ObjectFactory.defaultImplementations
> is emulated by a synthetic accessor method. Increasing its visibility
> will improve your performance
> Severity Description Resource In Folder
> Location Creation Time
> Read access to enclosing field
> ObjectFactory.defaultImplementations is emulated by a synthetic accessor
> method. Increasing its visibility will improve your performance
> Transidiom-DevE/Java/Source/com/seagullsw/toolbox/config/bind line
> 169 July 23, 2003 11:24:31 AM
> (4) The local variable attIdx is never read
> Severity Description Resource In Folder
> Location Creation Time
> The local variable attIdx is never read
> Transidiom-DevE/Java/Source/com/seagullsw/toolbox/config/bind/impl
> line 565 July 23, 2003 11:24:31 AM
> For example:
> public void enterAttribute(java.lang.String ___uri,
> java.lang.String ___local, java.lang.String ___qname)
> throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
> {
> int attIdx;
> Thanks,
> Gary