Nested anonymous complex types

From: Joe Phillips <nospam_at_JOEPHILLIPS.NET>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 06:18:47 -0600


I have a query relating to the mechanism JAXB uses to represent nested anonymous types (i.e. types are represented as nested public interfaces within a top-level public interface corresponding to the top-level anonymous type).

I am attempting to use the JAXB RI on a set of schemas that make heavy use of deeply nested anonymous complex types (russion doll style). The problem that I am running into is that the nested interface names generated are very long indeed (>256 chars) and in fact will not compile with a Windows based JDK due to filename length restrictions.

A secondary concern is that even if the generated code did compile types names of such a length would render it almost unusable (e.g. ObjectFactory.create<INSERT 300 CHARACTER NESTED INTERFACE NAME HERE> ).

Obviously one solution would be to refactor the schemas that I am using, however this is not an option for me since the schemas are not under my control.

Is there anything that I am missing here? Is it possible to avoid the very long interface names and generate more usable code?

