Re: Bind existing class to existing schema HOWTO

From: Sekhar Vajjhala <Sekhar.Vajjhala_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2005 16:49:37 -0400

Dmitri Colebatch wrote:

>Its just a simple javabean. eg:
>class Customer
> String name;
> String licenseNumber;
>etc. the problem I see is that I can see how to get:
> <Customer>
> <Name>Dmitri Colebatch</Name>
> <LicenseNumber>123456789</LicenseNumber>
> </Customer>
>but what I want is
> <Customer>
> <IndividualCustomer>
> <Name>Dmitri Colebatch</Name>
> <LicenseNumber>123456789</LicenseNumber>
> </IndividualCustomer>
> </Customer>
>so I'm assuming that I'll need to configure a custom mapper or
>something.... suggestions?
I was going to suggest @XmlJavaTypeAdapter for this but I see from your
later post that you already tried that out. Good to know it works for you.


>On 6/21/05, Sekhar Vajjhala <> wrote:
>> Dmitri Colebatch wrote:
>> Done:
>>I've only done the basic formatting - I'll fix that in time.
>>I've just hit a situation where I have
>>class Deal
>> private Customer customer;
>>and I want to map it to:
>> <Customer>
>> <IndivualCustomer> ...
>> I didn't see the Java representation corresponding to IndividualCustomer.
>> So I can't tell. Can you post that ?
>> Thanks
>> Sekhar
>>is this possible? am I going to need to remodel my classes.
>>Obviously Customer has multiple implementations (as well as individual
>>we have co-buyer and company). Any suggestions?
>>On 6/21/05, Kohsuke Kawaguchi <> wrote:
>> Comments about the steps later, but I think this would make a great Wiki
>>page. Would you be interested in adding this to Wiki and link it from
>> ?
>>Dmitri Colebatch wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>I figured I'd start by making a few notes on how what I'm learning so
>>that (a) others can correct me where I'm missing something, and (b)
>>someone else can benefit from it. What follows here is a very basic
>>outline of a few steps that I'm finding myself going through when
>>serializing an existing class.
>>Step one - decide whether you want to serialize fields (ie field
>>declarations) or properties (get/set methods). By default properties
>>are serialized. You need to put either:
>> @XmlAccessorType(AccessType.FIELD)
>> @XmlAccessorType(AccessType.PROPERTY)
>>at the top of your class depending on which approach you want to take.
>>Step two - identify the root element for the class, add the
>>appropriate annotation to the top of the class:
>> @XmlRootElement(name = "ElementName", namespace = "ElementNamespace")
>>Having done this, give it a quick test, if you have something vaguely
>>resembling a javabean JAXB should spit something out - the top level
>>element will be ok, but you may find you need to tweak various bits
>>and pieces.
>>I've found setting field access (step one) is easiest (so far - I've
>>only just started!). So the rest of this assumes you're using field
>>Step three - identify the type of the element, and the order of the
>>fields to be serialized. I'm assuming that your element is a complex
>>type, and it contains a sequence or all group. To identify the type
>>of element use the XmlType annotation. If your element contains an
>>anonymous type do this:
>> @XmlType(name = "")
>>or if you have a global type, do this:
>> @XmlType(name = "TypeName, namespace = "TypeNamespace")
>>Step four - Specify the order of the fields to be serialized. We do
>>this by adding the propOrder attribute (???) to the XmlType
>>annotation. Suppose you have two fields, foo and bar, and you want
>>foo to appear before bar, do this (note that I'm assuming you're using
>>an anonymous type, if you're using a global type change this to suit):
>> @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "foo", "bar" })
>>Step five - Customize the mappings. Suppose you want foo to map to an
>>element called "SomethingElse" then find the field foo:
>> private String foo;
>>and annotate it as follows:
>> @XmlElement(name = "SomethingElse", namespace =
>>"ElementNamespace", type=String.class)
>> private String foo;
>>Note also the namespace and type of the field.
>>Step six - Customize other types. Suppose bar is in fact another type:
>> private MyClass bar;
>>public class MyClass
>> private String a;
>> private String b;
>> // .... use your imagination!
>>and you want to map Bar to an element called "SomeRandomName", then
>>you need to do two things. Firstly, lets tell the field decl in our
>>first class that's the name of the element:
>> @XmlElement(name = "SomeRandomName" namespace = "Namespace")
>> private MyClass bar;
>>Secondly, we need to tell JAXB how to serialize MyClass. This is much
>>the same as for the top level class so I wont go through it again.
>>And that concludes my learning! Hopefully this is (a) accurate, (b)
>>sensible, and (c) helpful. I'll keep adding to this I think, and will
>>look forward to any constructive criticism or questions.
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