Re: JAXB 2.2.6 and Java 7

From: Iaroslav Savytskyi <>
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 17:31:05 +0200

Hi, Holger,

As you know several security vulnerabilities were found in Java last
year. And because JAXB is part of JDK our main priority now is to
provide build with security fixes. So I don't think next JAXB update in
JDK7 will contain something else.

I'll check plan for feature releases.

Best regards.
On 23/06/13 15:52, Holger Brands wrote:
> Hi again,
> a few months have passed.
> Can you tell us now if these issues will be fixed in JAXB 2.2.4-4 for Java
> 7 ?
> (they are obviously regressions)
> What Java 7 update will contain JAXB 2.2.4-4, Java 7 Update 40?
> Thanks in advance,
> Holger
> 2013/1/10 Holger Brands <>
>> Ok, I created issues
>> and
>> JAXB-937 demonstrates the nested unmarshalling issue.
>> JAXB-938 demonstrates marshalling problem of object graph with @XmlID and
>> @XmlIDRef.
>> Both issues occur on JAXB version included in Java 7 update 10.
>> Both issues do not occur on JAXB version included in Java 6 update 35.
>> JAXB-938 does also not occur in JAXB 2.2.6. (May be related to fixed
>> JAXB-900.)
>> As I could not attach a file to JIRA I attach it here.
>> Feedback welcome.
>> Thanks,
>> Holger
>> 2013/1/9 Holger Brands <>
>>> Thanks for the link, I didn't know about it.
>>> I think we hit JAXB-900, any chance to backport this to 2.2.4-4?
>>> To be sure I try to make another test case...
>>> With regard to JAXB in WebStart:
>>> We sign our deployed resources and our JNLP contains
>>>    <security>
>>>      <all-permissions/>
>>>    </security>
>>> This should do it, if your customers accept this.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Holger
>>> 2013/1/9 Iaroslav Savytskyi <>
>>>> Here is our roadmap:
>>>> As you see we are going to do bugfixing 2.2.4-4 release for JDK7. So may
>>>> be it will be good idea to use JDK build-in JAXB versions (2.1.x for JDK6
>>>> and 2.2.4-x for JDK7). Because I don't know the way how to use endorsed
>>>> mechanism in WebStart.
>>>> By the way, don't you face any security problems while using JAXB in
>>>> WebStart. I have impression that it's not possible to use it unless
>>>> changing security permissions on users machine. Would be nice if you could
>>>> break this myth.
>>>> In any case just report all you problems with 2.2.4-x and we will try to
>>>> fix them before 2.2.4-4 release.
>>>> Thanks a lot in advance.
>>>> --
>>>> Yarda
>>>> On 09/01/13 14:43, Holger Brands wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for the quick reply.
>>>>> So, if I understand correctly, in Java 7 the JAXB *API* will be stable.
>>>>> When bundling the latest 2.2.x JAXB release with our application on
>>>>> Java 7,
>>>>> we only have to add the jaxb-impl.jar to the classpath
>>>>> and don't have to use the endorsed-mechanism, right?
>>>>> But, things are more complicated:
>>>>> first, our app is distributed via Java Webstart;
>>>>> second, our app needs to run on Java 6 and Java 7 for a period of time.
>>>>> (not all customers can upgrade directly to Java 7)
>>>>> So we have three options:
>>>>> a) ship the latest 2.2.x JAXB on Java 6 and Java 7
>>>>> b) ship "the known to run" 2.1.x JAXB on Java 6 and Java 7
>>>>> c) ship 2.1.x JAXB on Java 6 and the latest 2.2.x JAXB on Java 7
>>>>> I'd favour a), but I fear we would have to use the endorsed-mechanism to
>>>>> overwrite JAXB 2.1 API with JAXB 2.2 API on Java 6.
>>>>> Making manual changes on the client machine is a no go, so any tips on
>>>>> how
>>>>> to do this "the easy way" with Java Webstart?
>>>>> b) has probably the analog problem of overwriting JAXB 2.2 API with JAXB
>>>>> 2.1 API on Java 7.
>>>>> c) would be ok, if the two JAXB requirements are expressable in a single
>>>>> JNLP file, any clues or tips?
>>>>> With regard to the XmlAdapter marshalling / unmarshalling problem I try
>>>>> to
>>>>> make a testcase, because we have problems
>>>>> with nested unmarshalling which we didn't observe with JAXB 2.1.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Holger
>>>>> 2013/1/9 Iaroslav Savytskyi<iaroslav.savytskyi@**<>
>>>>>   Hi,
>>>>>> First of all I would recommend you to use the latest JAXB release
>>>>>> regardless of JDK version. New JDK7 updates will contain only updated
>>>>>> 2.2.4
>>>>>> branch. In JDK8 you could expect to have newer JAXB version.
>>>>>> Nevertheless
>>>>>> if you need any help with usage of standalone JAXB - let me know.
>>>>>> Regarding usage of marshalling / unmarshalling within XmlAdapter I
>>>>>> don't
>>>>>> expect any problems with this.
>>>>>> Best regards.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Yarda
>>>>>> On 09/01/13 10:38, Holger Brands wrote:
>>>>>>   Hello,
>>>>>>> we are testing migration from Java 6 to Java 7 and stumbled upon some
>>>>>>> JAXB
>>>>>>> issues.
>>>>>>> Trying to use the default JAXB versions of the JRE, we would be
>>>>>>> upgrading
>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>> JAXB 2.1.10 (Java 6 update 35)
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> JAXB 2.2.4-2 (Java 7 update 10)
>>>>>>> We noticed some problems with JAXB 2.2.4-2 one of which seems to be
>>>>>>> fixed
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> JAXB version 2.2.6 (may be related to issue JAXB-900).
>>>>>>> My question is:
>>>>>>> Do you know if and when JAXB 2.2.6 is going to be included as default
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>> upcoming Java 7 update?
>>>>>>> How long will that take to be released?
>>>>>>> We have another issue that's not resolved in JAXB 2.2.4-2 or JAXB
>>>>>>> 2.2.6,
>>>>>>> but works with JAXB 2.1.10.
>>>>>>> I will report another mail for that.
>>>>>>> But here is one additional question related to that issue:
>>>>>>> Is it allowed for a XmlAdapter in its unmarshall method to start
>>>>>>> another
>>>>>>> JAXB unmarshall operation
>>>>>>> and return that result as the result of the XmlAdapter-unmarshall
>>>>>>> method?
>>>>>>> (Imagine a XmlAdapter getting a String input and unmarshalling an
>>>>>>> object
>>>>>>> graph via JAXB from it)
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Holger