Support for abstract types?

From: Vishy Kasar <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 15:49:48 -0800


I am a JAXB newbie and investigating use of jaxb to generate java bindings of j2ee 1.4 descriptors. One thing that stopped me right away was the 'no support for abstract type'. Here is the error message when I try to generate java classes from

      [xjc] Complex type "extensibleType" is abstract and referenced from an ele
ment declaration. This is not supported.
      [xjc] line 557 of j2ee_1_4.xsd

      [xjc] The relevant element declaration is specified at this location
      [xjc] line 123 of j2ee_1_4.xsd

Is there any plan to support abstract types for JAXB 1.0? If not, am I out of luck or is there any approach I can use to still use JAXB to do most stuff and hand code the java corresponding to abstract types?