- Appinfo annotations
- Applicability of JAXB
- Associating JAXB unmarshalled object to the corresponding xml sou rce ?
- Binding customization for "synchronized"
- Can't use swedish characters
- can't validate or unmarshall empty (nillable) elements
- Class generation and <xsd:include>
- CLASSPATH and bindings with existing classes?
- compiler exception
- Controlling the alias of the namespace...
- Custom validation
- Daily Builds
- Error using sample program
- Error working with sampleApp1
- Exception compiling schema with empty element
- Existing classes
- Existing classes > XML
- Generated impl classes have very long lines
- hashCode
- HashMap and JAXB
- help with custom bindings
- Help with JAXB API
- How JAXB Generates Choices
- How to distribute a JAXB implementation?
- How to get the element name on a validation error
- how to marshal an object to document fragment
- IllegalArgumentException
- Implementation of JAXB spec V0.90 available?
- Implementing Serializable
- information about JAXB release
- java.lang.InternalError when using xs:IDREF datatype
- JAXB and equals
- JAXB compiler
- JAXB exceptions when compiling standard XML Schemas
- JAXB Lists and Trees
- JAXB Marshal Not specifying the DTD in generated XML
- JAXB Reference Implementation - GA Release Date?
- JAXB-INTEREST Digest - 15 Jan 2003 to 16 Jan 2003 (#2003-14)
- jaxb.properties and bgm.ser files in a jar
- jaxb:schema
- JAXBContext and multithreading
- JAXBContext extremely slow for large XML schemas
- Large schema's generate so many classes that ObjectFactory is too big for Java
- marshal to dom
- marshalling problem with QName in attribute
- Message ("Your message dated Mon, 20 Jan 03 10:14:27...")
- Message ("Your message dated Sat, 25 Jan 03 12:47:14...")
- Minor typos in JAXB spec
- NullPointerException during validation
- On Demand Validation Errors
- other vendors was: jaxb.properties and bgm.ser files in a jar
- Parse and print methods - documentation error
- please help: Error: unable to load schema-for-schema for W3C XML Schema
- Problem with BPMI Schema
- Problems with Workflow Management Coalition Schema
- Question about tree of subjects, etc
- Question Regarding Complex Types
- SAXParseException: unexpected root element
- serializeAttributes - differing order
- Setting namespace prefix for Marshaller
- single space field value
- Support for abstract types?
- Support for collapsing element hierachy?
- test. ignore.
- tips for using jaxb in oracle application server
- toString
- Unable to find jaxb.properties
- Unable to include schema with no target namespace
- unexpected attribute xmlns:ns1
- Unmarshal error
- unmarshal/marshal discrepancy with attribute
- unmarshalling IDREF
- Unmarshelling Exception
- Using CDATA in JAXB?
- What would you like to see in tools.
- White Space Elimination Problem
- whiteSpace facet of xsd:decimal is not handled
- Why we don't support abstract complex types
- XML DTD with recursion
- Last message date: Mon Jan 27 20:22:21 2003
- Archived on: Thu Sep 21 15:16:09 2017 PDT