Re: On Demand Validation Errors

From: Marcus Walls <marcus.walls_at_ASPECTIVE.COM>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 12:27:41 -0700

> If you'd like see it as a part of API so that you can access
> it no matter which JAXB provider you use, the answer is yes,
> but JAXB RI can always expose additional information through
> a proprietary interface.

Could it be added to the ValidationEventLocator interface and
where the information is not available, implementations can
just return null as per the other methods in this interface?

For my purposes, I'm happy to use something proprietary to
the RI, since with my current planned usage of JAXB I can't
see the need to use anything else (which may be short sighted
of me), but I suspect others in a different position may also
find this useful.

However, if it's a choice between generic in JAXB 1.1 and
proprietary in JAXB 1.0, I'd vote for RI proprietary in 1.0!
