Re: tips for using jaxb in oracle application server

From: Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East <Ryan.Shoemaker_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 18:11:52 -0500

zhidong zhao wrote:
> Before the beta release of jaxb 1.0, oracle application server for java (oc4j 9.0.2 and oc4j
> 9.0.3) has it own jaxb package under j2ee\home directory. The file is jaxb-rt-1.0-ea.jar. This
> jar file has some obsolute implementations of jaxb functions and comes earlier in the
> applications classpath. Many conflictions between local copy of jaxb 1.0 beta release (in
> web-inf/class or web-inf/lib of your deployments) and oracle jaxb runtime occur if the
> jaxb-rt-1.0-ea.jar presents. Try delete the file or change its file extension if any strange
> exception raises.

This is a good point to make in general. You should not have any of the
old JAXB EA jars present on your classpath when attempting to run the beta
version or you will see a lot of errors. The beta version is a complete
re-write of the old EA version.

--Ryan Shoemaker, Sun Microsystems, Inc.