Unable to include schema with no target namespace

From: Ellis Brover <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 10:06:23 +1100

The JAXB 1.0 beta appears to have problems with the "chameleon" XML schema
design pattern, i.e. where a schema with targetNamespace "A" includes a
schema which has no targetNamespace.

The correct behaviour in this case is for the included schema to "inherit"
the targetNamespace of the including schema.

When I run xjc over the including schema, however, I get an error:

     parsing a schema...
     The target namespace of the included schema "" doesnt agree with the
expected value "{1}"
       line 3 of common.xsd

followed by lots of consequential errors. Note that in my example, the
included schema is common.xsd.

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