compiler exception

From: J. Salvatin <salvatgs_at_WellsFargo.COM>
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 16:19:50 -0800

When compiling an XML Schema using JAXB 1.0 beta I get an Exception in
thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException. I was able to determine
that cause of the illegalArgumentException was that the type definition was
empty for an element declared in the sequence of the complex type. I've
researched the W3C specification looking for any issue about this type
definition being empty and I could not make any sense that the specification
would allow or disallow an empty type declaration for a complex type
element. Somehow the JAXB compiler would not allow this. Is this an issue
with the JAXB compiler or the XML specification.

Another information I would like share is that when I can validate the
schema successfully using the JAXP 1.2 using Xerces or with the XMLSPY 5.3.

Here's snippet of the schema:
        <xs:complexType name="msgBodyType">
                        <xs:element name="cntlData"/>
                        <xs:element name="bankerInfo"
                        <xs:element name="customerInfo"
                        <xs:element name="savingsAccount"
                        <xs:element name="checkingAccount"
                        <xs:element name="verificationInformation"
                        <xs:element name="lineOfCreditInformation"
                        <xs:element name="reminderToBankers"
The error is in the element name="cntlData". If I remove this element
name="cntlData" the JAXB compiler is able to bind it to the Java classes.

I've attached the stack trace.
I would appreciate any feedback or assistance.
